He likes your twin more-DDM

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//part 2 for Highlow123423 woo we hit 1K. Thanks team 💕💕//.

//please read my new book: The Unknown Man in the Unknown World//
Your POV

"Look Uncle A, look" you squeal with excitement. "What have you made y/n"
"I painted you and I". "That's good y/n I'll hang it on the fridge" he grabs it along with you in his arms and walks over to the fridge. Uncle Ash wasn't really an uncle. You just called him the cause you were close. He treated you as if you were his own. He didn't have any kids, him and his girlfriend weren't 'planning' as he liked to call it. He started twirling you around making you giggle like crazy. You were soon interrupted by the doorbell. "It's me" you heard the familiar voice of your mother call back. "Mummy" you scream running to her. "What did he say" Ashton asks. "A lot and not much. He's to focused on Layla. Layla miss you y/n but I don't think it's safe you go back there" your mum sighs. "She can stay here. Chelsea loves her" Ashton offers. "Thank you Ash. Means a lot"

"Can I have a quick word" I say putting y/n down. "What happens if she were to start calling me dad" I carefully word. "Then let her. Michael hasn't been living up the father role. He hasn't been much of a father figure to her for a while" she says. I nod "I think I might talk to our lawyer. How do you feel about adopting her?" Her mum asks. "Yeah. I mean I would love to. She will still be able to see you of course". We make final decisions and walk back to y/n. "Hey y/n?" "Yes mama?" She asks, her small little hands reaching up to her mum. Bending down she says "how would you feel is Ashton becoming your new daddy?" "My new daddy? What about my other daddy?" She asks. "Well he isn't being very nice at the moment and I don't know when he will change. I thought you would like to live with Ash?" Her mum says, upset. "Okay. But do I still get to see you?"
"Of course babe". She kisses her head and walks towards the front door. "I'll ask Chelsea to look after y/n tomorrow and I can help you bring y/na stuff over" I offer. Her mum nods and climbs into the car. "Bye mama! Lava you" y/n screams. "Lava you too" her mum yells back. "So how about we call Chelsea" "okay... Dad".

//so um yeah. Part 2. I know a lot of "he likes your twin more" end up with them forgiving each other. But in my opinion I just think people forgive them to easily after all the shit things they do so I've sort of changed my story around and made it so it's like an on going thing I guess. I don't know how to explain it. But yeah. Enjoy//

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