You're sick-BSM

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Requested by StaceyStonier 💕. Also. I just dyed some of my hair purple again. Soo yeah. How's life

Age 3
Michael: "mimi" you say, waddling over to your brother who was sat on the couch with his band mates. "What's wrong babe?" "I fweel wucky" you mumble. He picks you up and sets you on his lap. "Where don't you feel well chicken" he asks, gently. You point to your stomach and head which leads him to see if you have a temperature. "You're a bit hot. Probably running a fever. I'll get you some Nurofen. You stay here with the boys" he says, passing you to Ashton. You start laughing at the silly face Ashton makes. "Come here y/n" you get lifted of Ashton's lap and placed back onto your brothers. You drink the medicine before getting cuddled up between Ashton and your brother and falling asleep.

Age 2
Calum: You wake up yawning, looking around, trying to see where you were. You start crying out and coughing trying to get someone's attention. "Good afternoon sweet pea, how are you?" He cooed, looking down at you in your cot. You start coughing a bit more, concerning your older brother. "Seems like you're getting a bit sick bug. Come on. Lets get you some medicine and relax. We can put some Giggle and Hoot yeah?" And that's how your parents found you that afternoon on the couch cuddled together.

Age 4
Ashton: Your brother was called late morning to come and get you from pre-school as you had thrown up twice that morning. Your brother takes you to the doctor to see if it's food poisoning or something related to that. "Ah. Yes. She seems to be coming down with the flu. I advice the next 2 weeks of pre-school. No interactions with other children. No junk food. Ice cream is exceptional since her throat is sore. No other dairy products. And heaps of soup and rest" the doctor told your brother. You felt happy since you could now boss your brother around and not get in trouble. But it also meant more cuddle time with your older brother.

Age 2
Luke: "Wukey" you giggle looking at your older brother, Luke, who was making funny faces at you. You start to have a sneezing fit, making your brother worry. You stop and start to giggle some more. Your brother noticed that you had a blocked nose and snot dropping down above your mouth. "Is wittle baby y/n getting sick?" He asks you in a baby voice, in which you respond with another sneeze. "Come on munchkin, lets blow your nose and get you some Nurofen" Luke says, as he picks you up. "Come on. Lets cuddle" he says taking you to his room. Which is where your family found you later that afternoon.

//so hi. Here's another chapter. I didn't really like Luke's one. I was stuck on what to do 😂. Anyway. I hope you enjoy StaceyStonier //

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