When He comes back Ben

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You tossed and turned in bed, feeling rather uncomfortable. Ever since the incident with Ben, you haven't been able to play your games and sleep wasn't any better. Your parents thought you started to have symptoms of insomnia, so they took you to the doctors who prescribed sleeping pills. Of course you never took them because you actually knew the cause of your sleeping problems.
You sighed, done with your search for comfort, which in your case was always easy to find. You got up and went to your bathroom. You opened the cupboard and pulled out the sleeping pills. As you were about to pop the needed amount for drugged sleep, you heard your t.v switch on. Your blood ran cold as you turned around and saw Ben climbing out your t.v like the girl from the ring.
"Crap!" You cussed loudly as you slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it. You heard his feet shuffle toward the door. "You shouldn't have done that.~" You backed away from the door, but you being you, in the process you knocked over your bottle of pills. You cussed, and started to pick up the pills on the floor.
'Am i really picking up pills I don't even use at a time like this?!'  As you reached for the last pill you heard you bathroom door slam open and a bunch of electronic cords pull you out of the bathroom. Ben looked at the bottle of pills and shook his head. "Tsk tsk tsk..i never took you as a pill lover.." He smirked at you as the cords brought you two face to face. "How 'bout my love being your only drug?~" He purred in your ear as you grimaced at his stupid pick up line. "One, i am not a pill lover, those pills are for the loss of sleep you caused. Two, what the actual fuck are you doing!?" You made a face that was a mixed of angry and confused, but instead of intimidating him he just laughed it off. "Babe, let's get this through that pretty little head of yours." After he said that, you felt an electrical shock go throughout your body making you unable to move. Ben smiled and took out a small dagger, and lifted up your shirt. You squirmed as you felt the knife carve into your side. Ben then took a rag, poured some sort of liquid into it the put it over your mouth and nose. "Sleep tight princess~.." Those were the last words you heard as Ben's image slipped into darkness and gou felt yourself go into a pain filled sleep.


You opened your eyes as a stinging sensation went through your body. You remembered what happened last night and grabbed the side where Ben had cut you. You winced as you felt a bandage, and lifted your shirt upwards to see. You gasped as you lifted up the bandages to see the letters BD on your side. You choked on a sob as your hands flew to your mouth to silent your crying. You were beyond mad, but you felt useless against what was happening. 'Am i really just some guys play toy now?'  You laid back down, still crying, and decided to at least enjoy this peace while it lasts.

********Author's note********
Hey there beautiful people!! Madness is here!! Sorry for not updating like i said i would...i just got caught up in homework and school life so...yeah! I will try to update a couple more chapters this week to make up for the ones i didn't do! Love you all and thank you for reading!! ~❤

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