When you're on your period

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Inspired by:@Irriliahamato13
"OH MY GOD!!" You head snapped upwards as you heard Jeff yell from the bathroom upstairs. You quickly jumped out of your kitchen chair, leaving your wonderful plate of food behind, and ran up the stairs. Jeff instantly ran down the stairs too...which resulted in a horrible crash of body to body. You groaned as you untangled yourself from your boyfriend's body and sat up to face him. "Jeff! What the hell!?" You looked over at him, while he just stared right back at you, his eyes glazed over. You raised your eyebrow at him. "Jeff...are you okay?" You reached out to touch him, but in that moment you knew you fucked up. He snapped out of his daze and screamed as you touched him. "NONONONO!!" He yelled as he jumped over the banister and ran out your front door. You felt kind of hurt as you stood up, brushed yourself off, and walked up to the bathroom to see what all the fuss was about. One glance told you all you needed to know. "Really Jeff!? All this because of my period!?" You screamed out, even though you knew he couldn't hear you. Apparently, Jeff saw your tampons in the trash, got weirdly curious, and flipped once he knew what it was. You sighed and walked towards your room, your heart hurting from how Jeff reacted. "Well fuck him then.." You groaned as you flopped on top on your bed and curled up into a ball. Your eyes grew heavy as you slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

*Time Skip to a few hours later*
Jeff's POV:
A groan escaped my mouth as I walked back to (Y/N)'s house, guilt eating away at my heart. I didn't mean to react like I did, I was just surprised. I gripped onto the bag in my hands, anger towards myself kept seeping it's way into my head as the voices kept nagging at me.
You're terrible..
I know I am.
You don't deserve her..
I know I don't.
She probably hates you right now..
*Sigh* Most likely..
Even worse...shes probably hating herself right now..
I stopped in my tracks, my eyes going blank. She wouldn't, couldn't hate herself..she's too perfect. A cold sweat started on my neck as I speed up my pace to one of running. I ran in through her front door, softly closing it behind me. "(Y/N)..?" I called out, not gaining any response. I walked over to the kitchen and stopped. Her food was laying there, untouched and cold. I grew nervous as I started to lay out all the items from the bags. "Chocolate, Check. Candy, Check. Flowers..Ch-" My head snapped up as I heard something hit the ground upstairs. I speed walked to the stairs and listened again. Another thump and a groan sounded throughout the house, almost echoing around me. "Oh no.." Thinking of the worst I instantly ran through the halls towards (Y/N)'s room. "(Y/N) I swear if your doing what I think your doing I'm going to-" I slammed open her door and stopped at the sight. (Y/N) was on the ground, gripping her stomach. She looked up at me, and I felt myself take a huge intake of breath. Her face was overflowing with tears, pain evident in her eyes. I instantly ran and scooped her up into my arms, holding her close as I gently sat us both onto the ground. She whimpered as I gently moved her arms and massaged her stomach area. I felt her relax against me, a small sigh leaving her mouth as her eyes closed for a second. "(Y/N)?" I heard her 'Hmm' in response, letting me continue. "I..I'm sorry babe. I..my reaction was terrible and I shouldn't have just ran out like that..I just got nervous that you'd be mad and that it would all turn bad and that we'd fight and-" I heard her chuckle before she looked up at me and flashed me her beautiful (E/C) eyes. "It's alright Jeff..just promise me you won't do it again..like ever. If you do I'll have to kill you." I chuckled nervously and nodded. "Oh and another thing..can I ask you something?" I nodded at her to continue. She smiled sheepishly, a blush covering her cheeks. "Can you maybe, I don't know, get me chocolate, pain killers, and give me love and affection?" I chuckled at her as I pushed a strand of hair out of her face. "I already got the chocolate and pain killers, they're downstairs. And secondly, you will always, always have my love and affection." She smiled goofily before pushing my shoulder. "Pshh, you're so cheesy sometimes.." I smiled at her, stroking her cheek in the process. "We'll sweet cheeks..I try.."
Jeff and (Y/N) ended their night with cuddles, kisses, and lots and lots of candy...which left both of them feeling sick afterwards..

Hope you liked it..tell me what you think!! Love you guys!!

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