Chapter 34

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Wes began strumming on his guitar "The girl" by City and The Colour.

He sang every word, without breaking eye contact and a smile never leaving his face.

I am a very emotional person, SO of course I started crying, and using my hands to wipe away my tears.

I'm not used to people doing incredible things for me, so this really hit home for me.

He finished and paused.

"I really appreciate you guys being so quiet. This is the quietest I've ever heard you guys be." He joked, and laughed nervously.

He went back to his guitar, and let that be his focus. He got into his next song. It was "18" by One Direction which is fitting because he's 18 now, even though I'm not.

I watched the crowd as they took our their flashlights on their phone and waved them back and forth.

When he got to the chorus, we looked at each other and i mouthed the words back to him adoringly.

He finished the last song as a blank, white screen emerged from over us.

I could tell from being with him 24/7, what his mannerisms are when he's nervous, and I could tell that he was very nervous right now.

Noticing his nervousness, my heart began to skip a beat.

The screen quickly went from blank to having a slide show, grabbing my attention immediately.

I watched as about 2 minutes worth of photos and videos of wes and I were shown to an entire crowd of people.

Pictures from school, us hanging out, long boarding and chilling were all shown.

I cried as a video I've never seen was shown. It was from the day me and Wes went down the huge hill on one longboard, and we hanging on to each other so tightly.

We looked so happy and clueless as to our feelings towards each other, even though it's obvious what they were now.

Another photo showed of me teaching wes how to longboard, I was holding his hand and smiling.

Tons of photos and videos went by, one including wes and I cuddling. And tons of me sleeping that he had saved.

Finally, the photos stopped and it was just wes, filming himself.

"So hey Nikki," he paused.

I could tell this was from a while ago.

"I um, don't know where we are at now, but um hopefully I finally got the guts to ask you out.. but if not; SURPRISE!" He exclaimed.

I didn't realize I was crying until I recognized wes' thumb brushing my tears away from my cheek.

"OH MY GOSH!" I gasped.

In his hands, he had tons of MY favorite flowers that he must've got from someone off stage while I was distracted.

I stood up, took the flowers from his hand and placed them where I sat before. I engulfed him in a huge hug and kissed his cheek multiple times.

"How did I get so lucky?" I whispered in his ear.

When I finally released, he tapped my shoulder and directed me into the direction of the crowd.

I gasped even louder than before.

The front row of the crowd was holding up different letters that spell out "Prom?".

I couldn't express how I felt accurately enough to show the amount of gratitude I feel for this boy.

I would've been happy with just a simple promposal, but I'm dating wes, so of course I got more than that.

I snapped out of my thought to look at a very nervous wes.

"So prom?" He asked, twiddling with his thumbs.

"You know my answer, dummy." I sarcastically said.

He lifted me up and twirled me around.


From the side of the stage I heard Sydneys voice.

"Not if I win it first. I'm always queen." She put her hands under her chin and bowed.

I looked at Wesley and smiled. A permanent smile was tugging at my lips. He put his hands on my cheeks and we just looked at each other.

"Okay bye, pda alert, am I right folks?" Christian attempted to joke, sarcastically.

We laughed.

"No really, time for my set now. Love you guys." He said as he pushed us off stage, in the nicest way possible. It was all in love.

"They're so cute aw." He said to the crowd then began singing his set.

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