Savvy and Allen's P.O.V ... Unwanted, Unloved, and Unknown

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BLAH! WHAT NOW! IT'S EDITED! Kyeire Says hi. @_@

Savvy's P.O.V

School, the one thing I wanted to avoid today. Skipping had crossed my mind several times. I wanted to stay home and allow myself to curl up in a ball on my bed, crying till the day turned to night. Of course they, (Hope, Kay, and Maddy) wouldn't let me. As a matter of fact they poured water on me when I said I wouldn't get up.

Getting out of the car, I breathed in the fresh air ... If I could avoid him, today might not be a bad day.

Vinny walked over to us with a smile, I couldn't help but smile back. But just when he was about to say something to me, Kay grabbed Vinny and dragged him away. I sighed. I kind of wanted to talk to him. Vinny, my personal teddy bear. Plus, he always made me laugh and smile when I feel like everything in my life is crappy.

"Well, I'm going to go meet Tom, he said there is something he wants to tell me." Hope said.

"Okay, see you later." Maddy said, I just waved bye to her.

Maddy and I walked, wordlessly down the halls. I looked up and down the halls for Allen, in doing so I didn't see a person in front of me as ran into them. I fell backwards.

"I'm so sorry." I heard a voice say. I looked up at a blue eyed, blond haired guy.

"It's fine, it was my fault." I stated as I stood up.

"Are you okay?" He asked, I nodded. "By the way, I'm Jack."

"Savvy." I replied.

"Savvy, come on, we're going to be late." Maddy said from beside me. I said goodbye to, Jack and walked away.

Maddy and I reached my locker. I took out my books I would need and closed my locker.

"Hello, Savvy ... Maddy." I heard a voice say behind me. I couldn't move or look behind me at Allen. I was afraid that I would cry once I looked into his eyes.

"Hi, Allen is there something you want?" Maddy asked with venom in her voice.

"I don't want anything from you. Actually, Troy said he wanted to talk to you. He told me to tell you that you can find him in the gym." Allen stated. Maddy made no move to leave me alone in the practically empty hall with Allen. I cursed to myself when I concluded that the halls were almost empty because class was to begin in like 3 minutes. "Maddy, you might want to go to Troy, before he comes looking for you."

"You don't tell me what to do." Maddy cut him off. Damn, I could tell she was mad. "You're an asshole. You know that?! I wish we all could have seen that you were an asshole sooner! And how dare you waltz in here! Do you know that I've been with Savvy for the past 12 hours! Watching her act happy! When I knew she was heartbroken! She loved you! You douche bag!!" Maddy huffed, something inside of me made me laugh. I could just image Allen's face, I wanted to see his expression, but I knew I shouldn't turn around and face him.

"Maddy, you don't understand-" Allen began to say but Maddy cut him off.

"You're a dickhead, that's all I need to know! And, how dare to talk about not understanding-"

"Maddy, let them talk." Troy said coming up behind her. Maddy shook her head.

"No, I rather kick him in the balls!" She shouted. Troy sighed and wrapped an arm around Maddy's waist. I watched, flabbergasted, as Troy picked Maddy up and threw her over his shoulder. She yelled profanities at Troy and Allen as Troy carried her away.

"Now, that they're gone, Savvy I want to tell you something." Allen began."Sit with me at lunch." I turned and finally faced him. His eyes looked different, more distant. I could already see from taking one look at him that he was holding in his feelings.

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