I Got You: Isabelle's P.O.V ... Rescue Us, Please?

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Isabelle’s P.O.V

My eyelids gradually started to opened and I noted that I was in a dark room, yet I could tell the walls were white. As for the flooring, it was carpet, but the room didn’t possess any furniture from what I could see in the shadowy room. My arms gripped the carpet as I pushed myself off the floor. Sweat dripped from my face, the room was highly humid and it was obvious that no air conditioning was on in this room.

My memory reminded me that I was forced in here by the Slut Club after J.G found I was a spy.

With a glance around the room I spotted a black looking figure on the opposite side of the room. My mind told me to stay away from it; for I’d no idea what it was. But my legs had a mind of their own and started approaching it. As I got closer to the figure I saw that it was slightly moving up and down. Curiosity ran through my veins as I reached it. But when my eyes gazed down at the figure, I noted that it was a person: Maddy and she was sound asleep.

When I bent down I saw very faintly on the side of her head was: blood. I gasped as my finger grasped her face lightly. “Maddy! Wake up,” I pleaded with urgency. She moaned and her eyes slowly opened.

“Mmmm,” she mumbled. Her green eyes looked pitch black in the dark room, but I could see she was looking at me. “Is-Isabelle?”

“Yeah. Are you okay? There is blood on the side of your face. Maddy’s hand lifted and she touched the side of her face. “Other side,” with that Maddy switched hands. Once her fingers felt the blood, Maddy sat up in shock.

“Oh, my gosh! I-I am bleeding!” She panicked. I saw that Maddy was about to ramble, so I covered her mouth.

“Let’s not alert them that we are awake.” I stated with the palm of my hand placed firmly on Maddy’s mouth. She nodded and I removed my hand. “Now, we need to find a way to get out of here.” Maddy bobbed her head in agreement. We both stood up straight and I felt around for the door. My arm stretched out and I silently tried to twist the door knob, only to find that it was locked ... of course. “Locked,” I hissed. Maddy sighed. Just then realization hit me. My hand reached in my bra and I pulled out my phone.

“That is not what I think it is!” Maddy shrieked in happiness. I nodded and a smile played on my face. I flipped open the phone to find that the battery was low. Quickly, I started to dial a number I’ve memorized for some reason, but right before I pressed call the door knob started to giggle. I closed the phone and Maddy and I retreated to the back of the room. Soon light flooded the room, I looked forwards and saw J.G. He was dragging someone by the hair from behind him.

“P-p-please ... L-let me go!” Squinting my eyes I saw J.G walk in the room and let go of the person’s hair. I suddenly realized who it was: Kay. She was laying face down on the floor, not moving.

“I’ll be back, don’t grow an idiotic brain and try an escape,” J.G hissed and then stormed out with a slam of the door, but I noticed the way he gave Maddy a wink before exiting. Once he was gone Kay got off the floor.

“Oh, hell! What happened to your eye?” Maddy quizzed as she ran over to Kay. I studied Kay and saw that her right eye was slightly black and blue, plus a little puffy. Tears slowly leaked from Kay’s eyes and she began to weep. Maddy engulfed her in a hug. “What happened?!”

“H ... H-he’s ... dead!” Kay sobbed without finishing her sentence.

“Who?” I quizzed.

“Jer-remy!” Kay admitted in a cry. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.


“J-Jeremy! J.G’s brother,” Kay replied.

“He killed his own brother?!” Maddy questioned in horror.

“Wait, why were you with J.G’s brother, Jeremy?” I asked, not seeing what was going on. Kay looked at me with tearful eyes.

“He kidnapped me...” Kay muttered.

“I’m confused. You were kidnapped by J.G’s brother, Jeremy. Somehow J.G killed his brother and now you are upset?!” I inquired as I tried to understand why she was crying.

“I-I liked him...” Kay muttered.

“Ohhh...” I mumbled in realization. When I was about to ask Kay more questions, Maddy turned to me.

“Phone! You need to call and get help,” Maddy stated. I gasped in remembrance and then pulled out my phone. With quick and steady fingers I dialed a number.

“Hello?” The person answered on the third ring.

“Vinny! It’s me, Isabelle! We’ve been kidnapped. You need to call the police and tell them to come and get us at Flora’s house! Please hurry.” I spoke.

“Wait ... what are you talk-” suddenly he stopped speaking. I paused for minute before pulling the phone away from my ear and seeing that the phone had died.

“Please, tell me that you called the police, not Vinny,” Maddy demanded. I sighed realizing what I did...

“Uhhh...Sorry. I did it without thinking?” I shrugged my shoulders in apology.

“Without thinking? The first thing anyone would think to do in this situation is call the police!” Maddy raised her voice as she spoke.

Kay put a hand on Maddy’s arm. “Calm down, getting all worked up now isn’t good for the baby.”

My eyes widened. “Y-You’re pregnant?”

Maddy shoved Kay’s hand off, clearly agitated. “Yeah, so what?”

“By who?” I asked, a little forcefully than needed, but I almost felt like I was about to lose my cool ... if I hadn’t already.

Maddy looked at me and then she cradled her stomach. “Troy,” she muttered.

I sucked in a breath and I started to panic. “If J.G. found out ... Shit!”

“Oh, yeah, big shit,” Kay stated in a ‘duh’ tone of voice that was really not helping.

“I’m so stupid!” I murmured.

Kay and Maddy both inhaled and exhaled loudly.

“No you’re not, if I had the phone and knew Troy’s number by heart, I would have called him too. Sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you,” Maddy confessed. Kay kept silent and I knew she was having an internal battle of who she would call.

Suddenly there was a whole bunch of banging and loud noises coming from above us. Kay, Maddy and I all huddled together, unsure of what was happening, or what might happen next. It wasn’t but a few seconds later that the noises stopped. But we could hear one thing: footsteps, and they were getting closer and closer to the door.

We gathered together more, our hearts beating as the door creaked open...


Editor and Author chat

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Kyeire: I SHALL RESCUE YOU JEREMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TheRiverRunsDeep: Can’t rescue a dead person...

Kyeire: I hate you :’( :’( WAAAAAAHHHHHH! Jeremy! D’: How could you do this right after I had an interview with him! D’’’’X

TheRiverRunsDeep: Ha-ha, shit happens ... its life ... so why don’t ya cry a river, build a bridge and get over it ... wait that sounded mean... But you get the point.

Kyeire: You meant it to sound mean! Because you’re Oueen Meanie!

TheRiverRunsDeep: Yeah, I am!

Kyeire: It’s not a good thing! *3* Guys! She’s doing this to torment meeeeeeeee! *sob* I loved Jeremy like a mother loves her son! D’:

TheRiverRunsDeep: What about J.G? If Jeremy was your son, so is J.G ... what ya got to say about that bad apple?

Kyeire: *pales* I said LIKE my son! He’s not my son for realz! J.G. can go to hell! > (

TheRiverRunsDeep: Ha-ha, they are a package deal. Take one, take all.

Kyeire: No, it doesn’t work like that. Stop tryna make it work that way.

TheRiverRunsDeep: I make you work, how I want you to work, me slave! Muhaha ... Maddy and Hope are also my slaves! Ha-ha, I make them do things for me all the time! Of course they flip me off half the time when I ask ... but sometimes they know to not argue with me!

Kyeire: Please! Slaves do NOT hack their masters profiles; therefore, I am NOT a slave. Hurrah for freedom! Oh yeah, and you WISH it worked that way! Only in your story is it that way and I do believe they agree with me! MWAHAHAHAHHA! <<<<get the laugh right! XD *stretches* Ahhh...I think I wanna go take a nap. See ya! *walks off*

TheRiverRunsDeep: No, it’s in real life ... Wait! … Come back! *Chases after Kyeire* ... why does she always leave me?

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