I Got You: Kay's P.O.V ... Making A Deal With My Kidnapper

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Kay’s P.O.V


“We can still stop him! You can confess about what he has done. You’ll be like a witness and can help put him behind bars,” I argued.

“I-I can’t,” Jeremy murmured to me.

“Why not?”

“Because, he will hurt the one thing I care about right now,” he said.

“Whatever you care about the police will protect!” I stated. His brown eyes looked at me.

“I won’t risk it … I can’t…”

“Please! These are my friends! We have to do something!” I shouted.

“Kay! I will not put you in danger!” He yelled back at me.

It just then hit me … I was the one thing he cared about…

End of Recap

My blue eyes were dancing around the room as Jeremy’s, my kidnapper’s, words slowly sunk in.

Maybe my ears were deceiving me. He couldn’t care about me, Jeremy barely knew me. Yet, he must have known a lot about me in order to plan how to kidnap me. But I couldn’t believe it. No one cared about me but my family and I guess friends. But a guy, no.

Dylan and Christopher were my prime examples. None of them gave a damn about me. All Dylan wanted was a play toy, someone he could call at anytime and they’d be at his doorstep. Christopher … well, he was just a huge ball of confusion. At times I thought he cared about me, but he never said he likes me, or even loves me.

“Kay, say something,” Jeremy plead from right in front of me. Finally my eyes flickered over to him. His brown eyes bore into mine. It felt like he was trying to read my mind and know what was running through it. My lips parted and I dared words to come out, but nothing escaped. It was like the things I wanted to say were getting caught in the back of my throat. I wanted to ask what he meant before; does he care about me truly? … How long has he followed me? - “A penny for your thoughts,” he suggested with a warm smile that made my lips curved up.

“I-I … What … What did you mean before?” I quizzed. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, looking confused. I took a deep breath and rethought my question. “What did you mean when you said you ... wouldn’t ... put me in danger?”

Jeremy turned his back on me, hiding his expression. It was dead silent before he finally answered. “My brother’s been planning this for ages. At first, it was just something he coerced me into doing, and you were my target. I never dreamed that you would come to mean so much to me.” My heart thumped at his words. “And to see those mangy guys trying to hang on to you pissed me off. I wanted to beat them up!” His sudden change of voice frightened me a little. He sounded like a killer. But he continued, and his voice went back to normal. “But I had to stay hidden. Try and find a way to kidnap you ... but then, kidnapping you changed to finding a way to protect you from my brother. It just ... happened. I didn’t realize it did until I was standing in front of my brother, telling him I had you. And now ... I won’t risk your safety.”

Sometime throughout his speech, I found my heart had sped up. It was thumping in my ears at his bold eyes that turned to me. I’d never seen such bold clarity in feelings before. I never had someone ... “So ... you kidnapped me ... to protect me?”

Jeremy’s forehead creased. “At first, I had kidnapped you because my brother said ... or ... that’s how I was thinking, but even then, I wanted -- want -- no harm to come to you.”

“Why?” I asked with curiosity burning inside me. 


“Why did you want no harm to come to me?”

“Because ... because I...” He lapsed into silence. 


“Because I’ve come to like you.” He rushed. His cheeks turned red at his declaration, and I found my own body heating up. 

Dylan ... Christopher ... they had never boldly said anything like that to me. I gasped, then sputtered, “But - but why? What did I do to make you like me?” I asked, my pulse was higher than it needed to be. Jeremy looked surprised for half a second before he burst into laughter. “What did I say? Why are you laughing? This was all a joke, wasn’t it?” I was close to tears and I wanted to launch myself at him and hit him over the head. In fact, I did. 

His laughter died down to minor chuckles as he caught my weight easily, took my hits gracefully before hugging me close. In my ear he whispered, “You did nothing to make me like you. You were just being you.”

I couldn’t say how happy I was at that moment. I wanted to yell to the heavens, jump for joy, sing a song ... and what did I do? I just turned on the waterworks. The tears came down faster than I could wipe them, falling on to Jeremy’s shoulder. I sobbed and cried, and sobbed some more. Jeremy just held me in his arms. 

And you know what? It never felt more perfect, as if I belonged right there, warm, safe and cradled to his chest. 

Soon I lifted my head to look at him. He gave me a toothy grin that for some reason brought my tears to a halt. “Kay,” he whispered my name and a slight shiver came over my body. “How about I take us out?” He quizzed. I thought about it for a second.

“What if someone sees us? I mean, what if people are looking for me and they arrest you?”

With a light chuckle he smirked even more at me, “Kay Vaughn, are you worried about me?” He questioned. Suddenly my cheeks flared up and I looked away from him. I’d no idea how to answer him, because even though I had only known him for an hour ... There was just something about him that drew me in.

“Okay, we can go out, but if you get caught and arrested, don’t expect me to bail you out,” I lied. Jeremy shook his head and snickered. 

“Whatever you say, K-bear,” he stated with a grin. My head turned back to him.

“Did you just call me, K-bear?” 

“Uhhh, yep,” Jeremy said popping the ‘p’. I rolled my baby blue eyes at him. Just then I realized he was still holding me close to him. 

“You are going to let me go so we can leave?” I asked. 

“Uhhh, nope,” once again he popped the ‘p’. I giggled and he leaned down until our noses were touching. “K-bear ... will you go out with me?”

“I have to eat sometime, so yeah,” I muttered. He shook his head which made his long nose brush mine. 

“No, will you go on a date with me?” his words caught me off guard and I felt like there was no more oxygen in the room. My body tensed as he looked at me with his mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes. His curly blond hair started to fall down and shade his eyes as the seconds passed. 

“J-Jeremy ... I just met you,” his lips turned down to a frown.

“You're right,” all of a sudden he released his hands from my waist, and I felt as though with it, his warmth disappeared too. The way his eyes gazed at me, with sadness, and disappointment. Made me feel as though I did something wrong.

“Jeremy-” he cut me off. 

“No, Kay, I get it. You don’t know me, so I will make you this deal. I will take you on a date tonight and at the end of the date if you don’t want to go out with me I will let you go ... I can find some way to keep my brother away from you ... But if you want to date me, well, then I will be the luckiest guy in the world... Deal?”

“Ummm ... It’s only a deal if we get some chocolate ice cream,” his eyes lit up and Jeremy nodded before picking me up and spinning me around.

“You won’t regret this K-bear!”

“You will regret spinning me if you don’t stop,” I proclaimed as I started to become really dizzy. He laughed and put me down. 

“Okay Okay. Let’s go.” He said and pulled me out of his room, his hand securely held in mine.


Jeremy ended up taking me to an Italian restaurant where I ended up think that I’d start dating the spaghetti due to it being so good. Jeremy kept chuckling at me when I would take bites and moans would escape my lips. “It feels like you are having an affair with that spaghetti,” Jeremy stated as he beamed at me. Setting the fork down I blushed. 

“It is really good,” I told him with honesty.

“Well, mission accomplished then if you like it,” he exclaimed. I tried not to blush as I picked back up the fork and continued to eat. 


We were laughing and having a good time together when the meal was over. I found that Jeremy and I had a lot in common. We both liked the same bands and Jeremy also like penguins which are my favorite animal. “Would you two like to see the dessert menu?” Our waitress asked us. Jeremy shook his head.

“No, all we need is the check,” was his reply. She nodded and walked away. I had remembered seeing chocolate ice cream on the menu, even told Jeremy, but he was asking for the check. Did that mean I got no ice cream?! We had a deal! 

Jeremy tried to talk to me once the waitress left but I didn’t even say a word or look his way. I was pissed; I wanted my chocolate ice cream!

The waitress came back and gave Jeremy the check. I tried to see how much dinner was, think that he knew it was really expensive and didn't get the ice cream because he didn’t have money. But he hid the bill from me; however I did see him pull out a hundred dollar bill from his wallet. He told the waitress to keep the change. 

We left the restaurant and I knew I was pouting as I walked over to the car. Right before I got to the passenger’s side door Jeremy stopped me. “Where are you going?” He asked me. I gave him a confused look. 

“I ... Uhhh.” Jeremy smiled and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. He led me down the sidewalk that was in front of the restaurant. It wasn’t long before we reached a corner store that was at the end of the street.

It’s windows where square with white worn looking wood surrounding the widows. As Jeremy opened the door I walked in. The place was dimly lit, the floors were old Oakwood, and the aroma was cinnamon and vanilla. This place screamed home and inviting. “Hello welcome to Lilly’s ice cream parlor,” a young woman said from behind a counter. I smiled so wide that my cheeks were hurting.

“Thought I would back out of our deal?” Jeremy asked me. I turned to my side and quickly got on my tippy toes. I placed a kiss on his cheek. 

“Thank you,” I whispered. 

“Anything for you, K-bear.”


Don’t ask what it was that lead the end of our date to us barely being able to open his house door due to our lips locked with one another's. 

I’d never felt this rush ... this need to be this close to someone as fast as humanly possible. I never felt this ... bold. I pushed him into the house, closing the door with my foot. Jeremy looked surprised, but then he chuckled as I followed him. I grabbed his face with both my hands and placed my lips on his again. 

A few minutes later, we were separating, taking in deep breaths of fresh air. I stared at him, and he stared back at me, his own breath as ragged as mine. We both smiled, and I went in to kiss him again, but he pulled back, putting a finger over his lips. 

“What-” I was cut off by the sound of the doorbell. Jeremy bent down on the floor and handed me my shirt. 

Wait?! When did that come off? I questioned to myself.

“Here put this back on, let me see who it is,” Jeremy stated as he walked shirtless to the front door. I put on the shirt a glanced back over at Jeremy. I could help but take in how hot he looked from the back. I watching him walk over and open the door. I couldn’t see who it was, but what I heard Jeremy say made me freeze on spot. “J.G, what the hell do you want?”

Editor and Author chat, skip at will

Kyeire: GASP! Aw! Boo on J.G! Why did he have to go and ruin the smooch smooch time? 

TheRiverRunsDeep: *shrugs shoulder* I don’t know, but I want some butter with that popcorn because I think it’s about to get interesting...

Kyeire: *shakes head* Popcorn gets stuck in your teeth...and it makes a lot of noise. Oh yeah! I brought a friend! Poor him, he was stuck in a cage at the zoo. *pats Yo Monkey’s head.*

TheRiverRunsDeep: You do know that he was at the Zoo because he wanted you gone -- dead.

Kyeire: *laughs* Ha-ha. Funny joke TRRD, Yo Monkey’s too nice! ... Okay l I admit the monkey has said a few ... disturbing things, but me? Dead? Never!

KittyKat: *walks in and sighs* you’re so gullible.


TheRiverRunsDeep: It means you need to go back to first grade....

Kyeire: How cruel! You guys are mean! At least I have Yo Monkey!

Yo Monkey: Of course you have me ... now how about your hand me another banana....

Kyeire: What? Man! All you guys want is to use me! Kyeire, look at this! Kyeire, edit that! Kyeire, give me a banana! Kyeire, scratch my back! 

KittyKat: Hey, you rhymed! 

TheRiverRunsDeep: If you don’t want to help people, just say so *sniff* 

Kyeire: Fine then, see if I care if you need me! Come on Yo Monkey!

KittyKat: Hey! What about me?! You created me!

Kyeire: *Sticks out tongue* Nah nah! All you do is make fun of me anyways. *runs away* 

Yo Monkey: They all want me in the end...

I Dare You! / I Got You! {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now