Hope's P.O.V ... Is That What You Think?

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Hope’s P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with the sound of my phone going off. Since I finally realized last month that I couldn’t trust my family to wake me up, I’ve been setting my own alarm clock. Getting out of my bed, I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine. 

“Yo, little hoe. Your boyfriend is chillin in the living room.” Scoti, my brother said as he barged into the bathroom.

“Have you ever heard of knocking?” I asked him. He shrugged his bony shoulders. 

“I don’t give a fuck, it’s my house too.” He told me. 

“You need to watch your mouth.” 

“Make me bitc-” I interrupted him. 

“If you finish that sentence, I’ll tell dad what you’re hiding under your mattress.”

“Ha-ha, by de time you snitch to him, it will be gone.” Scoti stated. 

“You really don’t think I only know about that one hiding spot in your nasty ass room?” I replied. 

“My room ain’t nasty. It’s a museum of art.”

“More like a museum of mold.” I fired back as I pushed him out my way. 

I walked into the living room and saw Tom reading Naruto, which was a manga book. I smiled and walked over to him. He didn’t notice me, so I snatched the book from his hand and leaned down to give him a kiss before he could say anything.

I backed away after a lingering kiss and Tom smirked when I stood up straight.

“Well, good morning to you too.” He said.

“You didn’t notice me come in. Thought I’d make you notice me.” I said. 

“Well, it worked!” I nodded in agreement. He soon stood up and grinned. I rolled my eyes and began to gather my things for school when my phone rang. I answered it. 


“Hey, Hope, it’s your mom. Listen, I know when you left my house a few weeks ago we got off on a bad start with the whole fighting over you having a boyfriend and what not. But your dad told me you and him broke up so now I-”

“Wait, what?” I said in shock. Then it hit me, my mom must have called my dad and complained about me having a boyfriend. To make her shut up, he lied saying Tom and I broke up. “I have no idea what my dad told you, but I am still dating Tom.” I told her. Tom gave me a confused look. I mouthed ‘Mother’. He nodded knowing that she had been giving me trouble about us. 

“Hope, you have to be kidding me! You have a bright future and that boy is going to get in the way. What happens if something was to happen to you? … He will drop you faster then he picked you up. I swear you have no brain activity at all! He is a flea that you, Hope, need to get rid of.” My mom started to rant on and on. I felt my eyes get watery as she started calling me ‘stupid’ and ‘dumb’. The words really felt like knives being stabbed in my back, because they were being said by my own mother. Tom must have noticed how distraught I was because he grabbed the phone from my ear and closed it.

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