Maddy's P.O.V ... Feelings Are Worth A Thousand Words

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Maddy's P.O.V

I don't know why I was crying when Savvy told me she remembered Inx but not me or the others. But it just made me feel like the sleepover last night was for nothing. I ran to our hotel room and ignored Kay calling after me for the ice. I went straight to the bathroom and decided that I was not going to come out for a very long time. I sat in the tub, and starting sobbing, I was crying so much and for so long that I soon forgot what got my panties in a twist. I stood up slowly and looked at myself in the mirror. I had no idea who the figure was staring at me, with red eyes and wet cheeks.

"Are you serious?!" I heard Kay shout from outside the bathroom door. Curiosity got the better of me and I walked closer to the door. "That's great Savvy!" I cracked open the door.

"I know! Oh! Kay, Hope, and ..." Savvy drifted off as her eyes scanned the room, for I think me. Before she could look at the bathroom door I closed it. I didn't want her to see me like this.

"She's locked herself in there for the past two hours. Won't come out, I asked her what's wrong through the door, but she wouldn't answer." Kay tried to whisper to Savvy, but I heard every word. I sank down on the floor and then thought about why exactly I was crying.

"Inx." I said in a low voice. He was back, and I so didn't want him back. I wish he had stayed wherever he went to for I knew his dirty little secret.

"Maddy, please come out, we have great news!" Hope called out to me. I sighed and then figured, I probably should go out. Good news is just what I need. I stood up and slowly opened the door. I was faced with a grinning Kay and Savvy.

"I have the best news!" Savvy shrieked. I gave her a forced smile.

"What?" I asked.

"I have my memory back!" She said and then started to hop around the room while singing. "I can remember! I have memory! I have memory! Yeah! Bee-itches!" I chuckled when she hopped on the bed where Hope was sitting. "You bee-itch! I have my memory back and you can't smile?!" Savvy shouted at Hope. Hope tried not to let a smirk escape her lips, but after Savvy started to tickle her, she couldn't help it.

"Stop! Uncle! Shit! Seriously! My ankle is killing me when I move! Stop!" Hope shouted.

"You don't have to move when I tickle, you bee-itch." Savvy said.

"Fuck you." Hope tried to mouth as Savvy attacked her sides. Savvy soon stopped and rested beside Hope.

"That was fun Hope." Savvy told Hope. "We should do it again sometime." Savvy started to wiggle her eyebrows which meant Savvy was referring to something else.

"You are such a pervert." Hope stated.

"Changing the subject." Kay interrupted. "Savvy, how did you get your memory back? Was it because of our awesomeness of last night and how we helped you?" Kay asked.

" ... No, it was actually ... Well ... Inx helped me." Savvy said with a hint of a blush.

"Inx? What?" Kay said in a shocked manner. "He-He-" Savvy stopped Kay.

"He is back in town." Savvy stated, Kay eyes grew as big as saucers.

"What? When? Where? How?" Kay quizzed. Savvy shrugged.

"We didn't do much talking." Admitted Savvy to us. All of us went silent.

"W-What else were y'all doing?" Kay asked Savvy, who started to blush. "Oh, no you didn't." Kay said with a smile. Savvy slowly nodded.

"Great, I am the only virgin now." Hope muttered. We all giggled at her.

"That's ... t-that's great Savvy. I'm happy for you." I said, faking a smile. 

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