Hope and Allen's P.O.V ... So That Is What You're Hiding ... and The Call

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Hope's P.O.V 


I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until a constant buzzing woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock above the living room T.V.


It was two o'clock in the morning.


Who would be ringing my door bell this late?


I stood and went to the door. Once I opened it, my mouth was wide open.


For before me was Tom, holding a passed out Savvy bridal style.


"There's something I need to tell you Hope." Tom said.


I gave Tom a look, wondering what the hell he had to tell me. I stepped aside and invited Tom inside. He walked in and just stood in my kitchen.

"Please, tell me where I can lay her down, she's heavy!" Tom pleaded. I nodded and led him to the living room. He slowly put her down and took the blanket that lay on the back of the couch, and covered Savvy with it. She mumbled in her sleep and tossed over, her back was to us. 

"So, what's it that you want to tell me?" I questioned. He sighed and looked at me. I could tell that he was debating on whether or not he should tell me. "You can't just come to my doorstep, at two in the morning and not tell me why you came holding my best friend bridal style! Don't think I don't know you're hiding something!" I shouted. Tom looked at the floor. 

"Remember what I said on the night of our date?" Tom asked.

"Vaguely." I admitted.

"Well, I said ...   My dad, Henry, left my mom, because my dad's mother begged him to marry Sandra, who's loaded. When my dad kept telling my grandmother no, she went to blackmailing left and right.... My dad ended up leaving my mom and me. He married Sandra.'" Tom stopped, seeing if I remembered.  I nodded.

"Yeah, and you said Savvy is ... but then she interrupted us ... Tom, what is Savvy to you?" Tom was silent. I started crying, "Your grandmother isn't making you marry Savvy, is she?" Tom's head snapped up.

"What?! No!" I giggled.

"Good, because for a minute there I was worried." Tom chuckled and came over to me. He put his hands around my waist. 

"I can promise you, I'll never leave you." I smiled and lifted my head up, so that I'd kiss him. Right when we were about to kiss, Savvy snored. We moved apart awkwardly and laughed. She had totally ruined the moment.

"What's Savvy to you?" I once again asked. 

"She ... she's my half sister." Tom said in a low voice. I was silent for only a few seconds, before I started laughing so hard, my sides were hurting. Tom gave me a skeptical look. "Why are you laughing?" He asked me. 

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