I Got You: Isabelle P.O.V ... The Beginning of Dare

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Isabelle’s P.O.V

"How is he going to help us with payback?" Helena questioned as her eyes flickered to J.G

"In due time you will find out. As for now let's get some drinks going and have a little fun." Flora said.

"Sounds good with me," J.G said as he plopped down on the couch. He gave us all a wicked smile.

Right then I knew something is off about this J.G guy, and tonight I was going to find out.

Minutes later Flora returned with a couple of bottles in both of her hands. She requested that Helena go get the glasses and with that Helena got up and fetched the glasses.

Flora placed the liquor on the coffee table and sat down on the floor next to the table. She looked at all of us, “Don’t you all sit down here at once.” Flora spoke. Miley leaped from her seat and sat down on the floor with Flora. J.G stayed put on the loveseat, Jess and I slowly sat down on the floor around the table.

Seconds later Helena returned with shot glasses. Flora gave us all mischievous looks as she poured our shots.

“Here you guys go,” she said as she handed the glasses to us. We all took them and Flora raised her glass. “To fucking revenge!” Flora shouted and then we gulped down our drinks.

“Let’s talk about this revenge! I wanna know what we are going to do!!!” Giggled Helena.

“Will you shut up about the details? I told you-” Flora yelled but stopped when J.G cut her off.

“Girls, girls, girls, calm down. How about we play a game?” He suggested, everyone, but me nodded. I sure as hell didn’t want to play a game with them. Just then I remembered I was supposed to blend in, so I banged my head up and down.

“Never have I ever!” Helena exclaimed.

“That’s for sissies,” J.G stated as he downed another shot.

“Strip poker,” Miley said with a flirtatious smile at J.G.

“Miley no one wants to see you in your underwear or stark naked. I might have nightmares,” Flora proclaimed in a serious voice. Miley slumped down in defeat. I could see she was offended by Flora’s words.

“How about truth or dare?” Flora said, and then looked at J.G for approval.

“How about just dare?” He quizzed. All the girls smiled and nodded as they liked his idea.

“You are so smart!” Flora shrieked. I wanted to roll my eyes at how head over heels she acted for him. It was like they thought he was a god. I then wondered if she acted so love struck over him, does that mean she is getting over Troy.

Maybe and hopefully by the end of the night she will see she really likes J.G and will call of this revenge.

“J.G, since it was your idea to play you go first,” Flora added. He nodded.

“Jess, I dare you to make out with Helena,” J.G said with smile. I saw Jess glare at him and then she leaned over without hesitation and started kissing Helena. I sat there not knowing if I should watch, or look away. I had never witnessed two girls kissing. The second I saw tongue my head twisted to look away. I stared at the cherry hardwood floors until I heard J.G say enough.

“Flora, I dare you to sing ‘This is Halloween’.” Jess said to Flora who furrowed her eyebrows.

“What the hell kind of music do you listen to?” Flora asked. Jess chuckled.

“Fine, just sing a song you know.” Flora grunted before singing ‘The One That Got Away, By Katy Perry’

Why did while she was singing I get a feeling that she was thinking about Troy ... and that this revenge plan was not going to be put to a stop.

Once she was done Flora looked at me, and I could only see her eyes glisten with ... evil.

“Isabelle, I dare you too...”

I Dare You! / I Got You! {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now