Maddy P.O.V ... The Test Of Life, Love, and Tears

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Maddy's P.O.V


“Oh my gosh.” I looked at the pregnancy test, with wide eyes.

“What does it say?” Troy asked with eagerness seeping into his voice.

“It-Its … Negative.” I said, and then I realized that I was … actually a little disappointed.  Why though?  I thought, I didn’t want children right now.  

Guess I allowed myself to get my hopes up without even realizing it.  

I didn’t want Troy to know that though, so a faked a relieved sigh.  “Thank goodness …” I said with a forced smile.  

 “Yeah, thank goodness…” He said with a sigh. I felt my stomach turn as I realized he truly never wanted this baby. And here I was thinking of how now that I don’t have it … I kind of wanted it.

I let my head fall, when a certain thought came to mind.  “But, why did you lie to me?” Troy’s expression went blank.

“Lie to you?”

“Let me rephrase that, what made you think I was pregnant?” I asked. He sighed and glanced nervously around my turquoise colored room

“I … I might have forgotten … well … I didn’t - we didn’t use protection that night.” He answered me. I stood up.

“When were you going to tell me this?! When or if I was nine months pregnant? Did the thought never even occur to you to tell me?” I asked with anger boiling inside of me.

By now I was standing with my fist clenched to my side. Troy gave me a soft look before standing up and snaking his arm around me.

“Calm down, Butterfly.” He told me. I glared at him.

“Don’t. You. Dare. Call. Me. Fucking. Butterfly. And. Tell. Me. To. Calm! Down!” I shouted at him. With a few hard jerks of my body I wiggled out of his grip and stood two feet away from him. “I want you out of my house, now!” Troy looked taken back at my sudden words of venom.

“Maddy-” He began to say, but I cut him off.

“You are a lying, pathetic excuse for a man! No make that a boy! Now you listen here, Mister.” I said with anger. “I want you out of my fucking house! Now!”

“Maddy, baby-”

“Don’t call me baby! I am not your girlfriend! Never was! You need to get over your fucking self! Now leave!” Troy was behind shock, but I watched as he slowly backed away from me and headed to my door. Before he walked out he gave me a sympathetic look.

“Maddy, please, I want-”

“I don’t care what you want. I am not pregnant, and I am not in love with you. So there is no reason for us to be together.” His eyes grew wide. “Don’t look all shocked! Ever since we had sex you just thought that automatically meant we were something. You brought this on yourself.” I told him honestly. He gave me an uncertain look.

He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was stutters.  His expression went from blank, to hurt in a matter of seconds.  He then frowned at me, and he turned around and left without another word.  Not that I really cared at that moment … at least, that’s what I kept on telling myself.

I fell butt first on the floor. It felt like wind had been knocked out of me. I pushed my knees to my chest and felt hot tears stream down my face.

What had I done? I asked myself. Never in my life do I think I have ever talked like that. But in between him acting like he didn’t want the baby to begin with and him admitting he knew about not using protection … I snapped. It had all piled up on me and I was so pissed. I felt my face grow hot, almost as if I was overheated. I didn’t know what was going on with me, I never get so frustrated like this.

Minutes later the door creaked open and I saw my mom. She stood there with a smile, but it turned upside down when she saw me in the state I was in.

“Maddy?” She said kindly to me. I looked up at her with my blurred vision, due to my tears.


“What’s the results?” She asked me. I didn’t want to say it, so I just reached over to the bed and handed her the test. She looked at it for a second and sighed. “We should go to the doctor.” My mom told me. I looked at her with a questioning expression.



IF YOU HATE MY EDITOR AND WRITER CHATS, this is the time to stop reading and vote / comment! (:


What happened during the process of writing this chapter of I Dare You:

TRRD: KYEIRE! WRITE! And stop chatting with Maddy!

*Kye is writing: Blah blah blah blah blah … just writing … blah...*


Kye: *Starts thinking about Inx* Hm... Should Inx be played by yummy, Ian Somerhaulder OR *Sticks out tongue* James McAvoy? ... It’s all about Ian! :P

TRRD: FOCUS! And stop worrying about who is playing Inx!

Kye: FINE! Josh from my story will be Ian … go ahead and let INK be played by James. :P

TRRD: It’s not Ink, it’s INX!! And I shall keep James McAvory as the INX!!!


By the way readers, I can't believe I am saying this but, I Dare You (the first book) is almost done!!!

You will be floored by the last chapter is all I have to say! Loo!


Oh and TRRD means TheRiverRunsDeep, for those who didn't know! (:


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