Chapter 18

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November 6, 2016

We were back in Florida. How exciting. If Kitty was reading this, it's sarcasm. I lugged all my bags and suitcase up the steps and dumped it in my room. I took my art bag to the art studio. Our house was big. We had a dance and art studio. Syrena also had a place for her to practice gymnastics. I started to unpack my bags when I felt that familiar cold rush of air.
"What is it, Kaitlyn?"
"Nothing. You just got a text." She threw my phone to me and I caught it. I read it.
What r u doing

I just got back from MD. You?

Football by chance was Luke with u


Coach was worried he'd miss the game


Gotta go to practice

Gotta unpack



It's not what you think. Brayden and I aren't stabbing Luke in the back and I am not cheating on him. Chill, we are just friends. Nothing more. I did have to go to the football game tonight. And they had to come to our soccer game afterwards. Why, you may wonder? Well, most of the girls on our team are dating guys on the football team. There is the occasional baseball or basketball player but, this year they are all football. So, the teams do this thing where we go to each other's games. Pretty simple.

Bzzt Bzzt

Can't go to your game sorry :(

K that's alright

Actually, we sometimes skip each other's games. Finally, after an hour I was finished unpacking. I plopped onto my bed and let out a long, satisfying sigh. It was done. I looked at my clock. It read 5:30. Wait, 5:30! The game starts at 5:45! I'll be late. I quickly got on my soccer stuff because right after the football game was our game. We would only have 15 minutes to stretch and warm up. I put my hair into a ponytail then braided it and put on my Under Armor headband.
"Mom, get the keys! We gotta go!" I yelled from my room.
"Got it, kid." She responded. I grabbed my soccer bag that had my cleats, shinguards, ball, and my water bottle. I had on my socks but was wearing slides instead of cleats. I also didn't slip my shinguards into my socks yet. I ran out of my bedroom and down the steps. Lassie, my crazy dog, was on my toes. He was nipping at my feet like he was telling me to get moving and to get going. I made it to the front door.
"Bye Lassie, bye Jules!" I yelled to our two dogs. I closed it and got into the passenger seat of my moms car.
"Hi sweetie."
"Hi mom." We pulled out of the driveway and started to drive toward Sweetwater High. Once I got there I didn't see Luke.
"Brayden, where's Luke."
"I don't know. We asked everyone and no one saw him." He said. This was the biggest game of the season. The Bull Sharks (us) vs. the Eagles (them). This was all Luke talked about for the past month! I knew that he wouldn't miss this game for the world. Something is fishy. Ha, fishy! Because he's a merman. Sorry, when I get nervous I act incredibly stupid. But, without Luke it would be very hard to win this game.
"Something is up." I told Brayden.
"Yeah, Brian, James, and I are his closest friends. He would of told us if he would have to miss the game. But we knew he wouldn't miss this game. He'd been talking about it since the beginning of the season." He explained.
"He texted me that he wouldn't be at my game earlier. He didn't give a reason though." I told him.
"That's weird." I nodded.
"Duh!" I snapped.
"Van den Berg, get over here!" Yelled the coach.
"Gotta go, talk to you later." He jogged over to Coach Malone. Something was up. I just knew it.
Cliffhanger! What could be going on? Just saying, it's will cause something very bad to happen. But it will be dramatic and come around soon. Very soon. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for reading.

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