Chapter 26

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December 5, 2013

"Ooh, dancing in September!" Briar and I sang. We do this thing where we sing a bunch of songs from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. It's fun, really. Sometimes I do it by myself because I want to. I don't dress up though. It was a series of jumping on the bed, using hairbrushes as microphones, singing at the top of our lungs, and dressing like the era. We were weirdos, don't blame us. Finally the song was over. We heard slow clapping. We looked toward the doorway. Brayden and Luke. Oh god, this was so embarrassing.
"It's something we do." I said.
"It's how we prepare for X-Factor." Briar said.
"Wait, how'd you even get into my house."
"One of your sisters let us in." Brayden replied.
"Oh, both of them hate me. Really, they do." They laughed.
"Why do you have 4 Starbucks cups?"
"I'll take those." Briar took two.
"Briar, would you like to explain."
"They are my secretaries for the next 2 months. They owe me for what happened last week."
"Sweet! What they'd do."
"We may or may not of poured an entire bucket of water on her....right before the school dance."
"That's why you called me. I couldn't understand you at all." I said.
"Yeah, we gotta go."
"Football." They walked out and we continued are weird dance episode. But first, Starbucks.

This was really bad and short. It was a quick idea that goes with the first pic of my art book. Well even though it was bad, I hoped you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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