Chapter 21

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I dried off and started walking.
"Hey, where were you?" Said Briar as she jogged toward me.
"Swimming. How long have I been gone?"
"Two hours. What happened? You would never miss a game."
"I broke up with Luke." I whispered.
"No! You can't. Your the cutest couple ever!" She whined.
"Well, it will now be him and Sydney Rydell." I said.
"He didn't."
"He did." I groaned.
"We are gonna get through this." She said stroking my shoulder. I looked at her strangely. I was 5 foot 8 and briar was barley 5 foot 3. I honestly think that she could barely reach my shoulder. We started walking back to my house. The only thing I wanted to avoid was Luke. But knowing me, fate obviously has other plans. We were walking past the school. The soccer game must still be going on since we heard cheering and the lights were blinding. I saw Sydney with Luke. I hate them so much!
"Um, let's go the long way." Said Briar as she dragged me in the opposite direction.
Bzzt Bzzt

Are u alright?

Yeah...I guess

What's wrong

I broke up with Luke :(


He was cheating on me with stupid Sydney Rydell

That's so shallow

Exactly, not like him

Yeah, wanna meet me at Froyo later

I'd love to



"Who you texting?" Briar asked.
"Do you like him?" She said raising an eyebrow.
"Just as a friend. Yes, I know where you were getting at." To be honest, I may have liked him a tiny bit. We've known each other forever so, how couldn't I of liked him just the tiniest bit.
"Your lying!" She exclaimed.
"Uh-uh." I said.
"You blush when you lie. Just saying, your cheeks are very red."
"Fine. I like him. The tiniest bit though." She squealed.
"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! This can totally work. I can help with ship names!"
"Woah! Slow your roll, Briar. We aren't officially dating yet." I joked.
"Well, we both know you will be." She said.
"I guess. Let's go."
"How? The only way is to face Luke." She said.
"Or..." I said glancing over toward the water.
"Oh no! No, no, no, no! I just got my hair and nails done and I'm not putting that $56.76 to waste! Anyway, it's freezing." She complained. She crossed her arms and stood there. I grabbed her by her arms and pulled her into the water. Ankles, knees, thighs, hips, torso, chest.
"Ugh! Heidi, how do I let you do this to me!" She screamed. I knew that she was not happy. Her clothes were soaked. As for me, I'm a mermaid.
"Well, your wet so we might as well swim home." I said.
"Screw you, Heidi." I laughed. I gestured to her to come on. She dove under and started swimming.
"Why can't I be a mermaid! This would be so much easier." She moaned. And with that, Briar had a long yellow tail before we knew it.
"What did you do?!" She screamed.
"Just because I'm your best friend and torture you, you think I did this? Well, I did.....somehow."
"Thanks to you, I don't know if I'll ever see my favorite shoes again." She snapped.
"I just thought about something and it happened." I explained. She glared at me.
"Well, we might as well swim." We dove under. Briar was holding her breath, basically turning purple.
"You know, you can breath."
"Mm mhmmh?"
"Yes." She let a big breath and took one in.
"Oh my god! I can." She stated proudly. We swam until we made it to the beach that was in front of my house. I climbed ashore and waited for my tail to dry. Finally, my legs returned.
"One problem: how am I gonna turn human." Said Briar.
"Hold on a sec." I got out my cell phone and dialed my house phone.
"Hello to you too, Hannah. Can you put mom on the phone."
"Whatever." I heard a faint "MOM!" In the background.
"Hello, this is Amanda Plinoth."
"Yeah, mom, let's just say someone was turned into a mermaid because another someone thought that. How would that someone turn human again?"
"You did that didn't you? To Briar, right? And you wanna know how to get out of it?"
"Yes, yes and yes." I replied.
"Just think of the opposite and once she dries off she will never have a tail again."
"Thank you mommy. Bye."
"Bye." I thought of the opposite.
"Briar get out of the water!" I yelled. She heaved herself onto the shore until she was fully out of it. I walked over to her and stood there.
"My abs, my arms, my whole upper half. It burns!"
"Welcome to my world." I said patting her on the back (it made her fall onto the sand because her arms collapsed under her which was her support).
"Ew! Sand in my mouth and all over me." Once she dried if she had her legs back. Skirt:check, shirt:check, shoes:no where to be seen.
"My shoes!" She cried.
"They're gone! Why me?" She whined.
"Let's go. You really need to shower and get that sand off."
"Oh, I do." She said looking down at herself. Her body was covered in it. We started walking toward her house. Once we got there I dropped her off and walked back to my house.
"Don't disturb me; need sleep." I moaned as I trudged up the steps. I took out my phone and started to text Brayden.

Can we do froyo tomorrow? I'm exhausted.

Sure see u then



I put my phone on the charger next to my dresser and went onto my bathroom. I quickly rinsed off in the shower and wrapped my blue towel around me and put another towel around my wet hair. I brushed my teeth and then went back into my room. I threw the two towels on my bed. I put on my underwear and slipped into my pajama pants that had pandas on them. Kitty got them for me last year on Christmas. Then, I put on my t shirt that I got from a soccer tournament. I hung the towels on the back of my bathroom door and then closed it. I got under the covers and then turned off the light. Quickly, I fell asleep.

So this update was kind of late. I've been working on it throughout the day. I don't know if I'll add a picture later on but I'll tell you if I do. It took so long to publish since I saw Trolls (it was really good), dinner, normal after school activities, and don't forget school. So I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

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