Chapter 2~ Cold

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The early sunlight softly played across your face signigaling you to wake up. You sat up and yawned, rubbing Y/C/E in the process. You cringed as your cold feet hit the floor, waking you up fully. Quickly you changed into some breeches and a loose shirt and ran outside into the cool early air. "Hey girl". You whispered to your horse, Molly. She whined in response as you stoked her nose. This was kind of your morning routine, wake up early and have a little freedom. You climbed onto your horse with one swift movement and rode out into the Schuyler sisters land. You have been friends with them for years, so you know the land as well as your own mind. Swiftly you turned into the trees to a little crook of land that had a small pond and willow trees. You dismounted "Good girl Molly". You fed her some sugar cubes and made way to your spot by the trees. You stopped when you heard beautiful singing in the base line of the trees. You slowly moved until you saw Lafayette singing by one of the rivers. You were embaressed when you realized he had no shirt on and was preparing to bathe in the river. 'In the middle of the Winter'? You thought. Once you turned your eyes away from his EXTREMELY attractive chest you focused on his voice. It glided over the unknown song perfectly, making you want to melt. You took a step closer and immeadietly regretted it when you steped on a huge stick and tripped. "Who is there? I- Y/N"? You quickly stood. 'Shit' "H-Hello Lafayette". He looked at you with amused confusion "Were you spying on me"? You blushed intensly "No! I was taking my horse out for a ride when I heard you. Your very good Lafayette". It was his turn to blush "Oh, merci Y/N. You know, I almost didnt recognize you in that outfit". You looked down "Oh this? This is a lot more comftorable than those dresses". Laf laughed at that "Oh, always the fiesty one". You shrugged "Uhm Lafayette? Why are you about to bathe in the middle of Winter"? Laf suddenly became aware he was shirtless "Ah"! He quickly threw a shirt on "I belive your father would, how you say, kill me if he were aware of us meeting without supervision". You rolled your eyes and stepped closer to him "Its fine. But you still havent answered my question". "Oh, well I dont really know why I like the cold. But it relaxes me in a strange way. There is no specific reason". I nodded "Its relaxing"? Laf nodded "I think so". You smirked at him slyly and kicked off your shoes and began to remove your jacket. Laf blushed a deep crimson. "Y-Y/N I dont think-". "Come on Laf! You said it was relaxing"! You began to unbutton your shirt as Laf turned away "Merde! Do not do this to me charie"! You slowly waded your way into the water shivering. It was....oddly relaxing as he had said. "L-L-Lafayette it f-feels nice"! You giggled as you waded deeper. Laf turned back to you with an embarressed smile. "Y/N..." You cut him off by splashing him with the ice cold water. He froze and looked at you dumbstruck. "You are just like a petit enfant"! He insulted you in his native tounge and hopped in the water. You began to play a freezing game of splashing. You were both happily chattering your teeth, as you waded back out. "Here you are charie". Laf averted his eyes as he wrapped his jacket around you. 'Hes such a gentleman'. It smelled of him and you snuggled deeper into the scent "Thank you but how will you stay warm"? Laf shrugged and rubbed his arms. You looked up at him and realized how close your faces were. "Y/N.." Laf softly whispered as you both leaned into a soft kiss. Desptite the cold weather the kiss spreaded warmth all throughout your body. You soon pulled away in need of air. "Your beautiful Y/N. And....I-I think that i'm-". "Y/N"?! You whiped around to see Alexander standing at the tree line along with Angelica, John, Herculese and Peggy. Your face set to fire "H-Hello". Laf quickly stood "U-uhhm...." we both glanced at eachother in worry. "What are you doing"? Angelica asked suspicously as they made their way to us. "We were so worried! We didnt know where you had gone to"! Peggy scorned me. You looked down "I-I apolagize. I always wake up early and ride my horse Molly. Lafayette just happened to be out here and we bumped into eachother". "You did more than bump by what we saw..." Alexander chuckled. "Y-You saw"!? Lafayette screeched. Herculese let out a thunderous laugh "We saw it all". "Oh mon dieu pourquoi moi"! Laf exclaimed and plopped back on the log. "Please dont tell my father! He can be a little....overreactive at times". I begged them all. "Your secret is safe with us. Although it would be amusing to tell him how you willingly stripped down for our friend Laf here". Herculese snorted and you groaned, Angelica and Peggy gaping at me. "You did what"!?!. You let out a nervouse chuckle "A-Anyways lets go! I think we should be getting back now". Before you turned on your heel you turned to Laf and pulled him away. "What were you going to say before they interrupted"? Laf gave you a nervouse look "W-Well Y/N. I-I was going to say that I um. I think that I am falling in love with you charie". Your heart stopped. "You what"? Laf sighed "I am in love with you Y/N. I can not imagine myself with anyother woman than you. I think you are amazing and beautiful. I love you". You felt the tears well up as you smiled at him. "I love you too Lafayette". He smiled and spun you around. Once he set you down he kissed you again, this time with a little more force. You kissed back but the kiss was short lived with your friends impatient whines. "I will see you later my love"? You smiled "Of course". You both parted and went with the Schuyler sisters. "So what is this about stripping for Lafayette"? Angelica eyed me as we returned to our rooms. I blushed and told them the whole story. "Oh Y/N! You really love him dont you"? You smiled to yourself "He is like no other man ive ever met. Hes special and sweet and kind and all things good. I think- no. I am inlove with him". Peggy squealed an hugged me while Angelica patted my leg "Thats great Y/N! We are so happy for you". I smiled "Thanks. Angelica you never told me what happened between you and Alexander"? Angelica suddenly became interested with the window and smiled. "Last night was....amazing. I believe Alexander is interested in me, but I am not entirely sure". I nodded "Well at least you talked to him. Now he just has to make a choice". Angelica nodded. "Have you and Herc started courting yet? I see the way you look at eachother and it is very sweet". Peggy blushed and fiddled with her fingers "He is very sweet even though he doesnt seem that way. He hasnt asked but I am hoping he will soon. I think he is amazing". I smiled at her fondly and we began to talk about other things and enjoy eachothers company...



I felt amazing. She had said she loves me. That she loves me. It was an amazing feeling, to be loved in return. "LAF"! Herc lightly smacked my face. "Agh! Uoi mon ami? What is it"? I asked as I looked around at my group of copains. "You were daydreaming again"! John laughed from his cot. I looked down "Apologies mon ami. I was thinking about this morning". "When Y/N stripped to her socks for Laf.." Alex chuckled into his cup and John fell off his bed. "SHE DID WHAT"!? "Non! Non John it isnt like that"! I tried to calm my raging blush. "I was about to get in the river when Y/N ,how you say, tripped and fell into view. She asked what I was doing and I told her about my love for cold and how it was relaxing. She gave me a look and well.....stripped to her socks". I blushed at Johns awestruck face. "Did you.....see anything"? They all leaned in, interested in the story. "NON! I am a gentleman! I can not lie though, I wanted to...." I gazed off and quickly shook my head "Non. That wouldnt have been right". Alex smiled "Good man Laf". I shrugged and leaned back with a sigh. "Yeah save it for the wedding night". John snorted. I rolled my eyes "Oh Alex, Herc. I saw you two talking to the Schuyler sisters. Have you started courting yet"? Herculese became squirmish and Alex stopped laughing. "I-I met one of the Schuyler sisters, Peggy. She is so sweet and gentle and completely posotive. I would like to court her, but I am not sure she reciprocates my feelings". I nodded "Just go for it Herc! If she is the one, she is the one". He nodded. "Alex? Youve broken your record for quietness over there, what is the matter"? Alex looked at me still in thought "I have met the other Schuyler sisters and they are amazing. Angelica is.... something else. She is graceful yet intellegent and on my level. I think she....understands me. Eliza is sweet and open but not like Angelica. I take more onto Angelica than Eliza, but I have Hercs problem. She is so dtermined and passionate that I am not sure she is even looking for a suitor". "You can never be sure until you try. Get to know her more Hamilton. Youll see if she is truly interested". Alex stood "Im going to go write. See you later in the day". He walked out and we continued our conversation about war and politics. My thoughts ever so often trailing back to Y/Ns face and what the future may hold...


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