Chapter 3~ A Year

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3 weeks have passed and you couldnt be more in love with Lafayette. He knows exactly what to do to make you smile or laugh. And he makes you feel unique and loved. You sat at the windowseal completely enveloped in a book when Angelica ran in. "Y/N"! she ran into my arms. "Angelica!? What is the matter"! You pulled back and cupped her face. "What? Oh no, nothing is the matter. Alexander has asked to court me"! I paused and then shot up and screamed. You and Angelica spun a circle of happyness, thats when Laf, Peggy and Eliza came in the room. "What is wrong"? Peggy asked as they looked at us with confusion. Angelica turned to them with happy tears "Alexander has asked to court me"! Laf smiled and Peggy joined our circle. We went silent as we realized Eliza's sad stricken face at the doorway. "Eliza..." Angelica pulled her into a timid hug. "No Angelica.... I am happy for you. He was not the man for me. Please, be happy"! Eliza gave her a sad smile and they hugged again. "Well I am ver, how you say, ecstatic for you Angelica"! Laf gave her a hug. "Thank you"! "So what was his face when you said yes"? Peggy asked cupping her sisters hands. Realization washed over Angelicas face "I-I didnt say anything. I just ran out of the.... room..." "Angelica! Go tell him yes! Hurry"! We shoved her out the door and laighed as she tripped over herself. I watched with confusion as Lafayette asked Peggy to leave the room for a minute. "Y/N"? I looked him over with suspicion "What is it Laf"? He took a deep breathe and cupped my hands gently "I...I will be leaving soon". I smiled and nodded "Oh, yes I am aware. You will be gone for a few months... but I believe I will manage". Anxiety bubbled in my chest as Laf bit his lip and nervouseness set in on his beautiful face. "Y/N....I wont be gone for a few months..." I swallowed and tried to stay posotive "Is it shorter"? Laf shook his head, squeeshing my hope. "Its for a year or more". He said just above a whisper. My chest shattered into pieces "W-What"? My vision became blurry as he pulled me into a loving hug petting my Y/C/H. "I am so sorry charié. I would change it if I could... I love you Y/N". I hugged him tightly "I love you Lafayette..." I looked up at him and fluttered my eyes close as I leaned into a sweet and slow kiss. I deepened the kiss a little as he wrapped his hands around my waist as I moved my hands to his hair. "Lafayette I-" I whipped my head around to see my father gripping the door. I blushed and twideled my fingers. "Y-Yes captain"? Lafayettes voice cracked as he stood up straight. Anger burned in his eyes as he nodded stiffly "Out". Laf glanced at me and swiftly made his way out of the room. I bit my lip and looked up shyly at my father "H-Hello father. Do you need me"? His eyes had softened as he walked over and stroked my hair "No I just needed Lafayette. Did he force you"? Building anger dripped off his voice, glaring back at the doorway. I shook my head "No! No Lafayette is an extreme gentleman father...." I smiled to myself, I tentivley touched my lips at the feeling of his lips still ghosting on mine. My father gave me a nod akd pulled me into his embrace. I hugged back "I will miss you so much...." he only squeezed me tighter. "I am so sorry. We need all of the help we can get right now, so it might take longer than intended". I snapped my head up "You need help"? He looked at me mildly confused and nodded. I pulled away from him "Let me fight". Realization dawned his face "No Y/N". He was stern with his tone, his official tone he used with soldiers and generals. "Father, you just said you need all of the help you can get! I am not completely defensless, I still remember how you taught me to ride a horse and shoot a gun and hand-to-hand combat. Let me help the country"! I grabbed his arm, begging. He shook his head "Absolutely not Y/N. You could be taken or worse". His voice cracked he cupped my face and stroked my cheeks gently. I smiled at him sadly "I am willing to take that cost". ".....Im not". And with that he strode out of the room. I was angry but understood the position he was in. However, I still think that I should be able to make my own decisions, as I am of age now. I slowly slinked out of the doorway and found the study where the men were speaking. "Is it really a year, sir"? I heard Hamiltons weary voice from the otherside of the door. "Yes Hamitlon, im afraid so". The room was silent for a half of a beat "When will we leave"? I heard a chair scrape and Herculeses voice ask another heart breaking question. I listened with my heart beating in my ears. "Tommorrow at dawn". I flew a hand over my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut. The room fell back into silence. I opened my eyes and quickly moved away from the door. That was my chance. Tommorrow at dawn.


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