Chapter 16~ New Point of View PT.1

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My heart almost escaped my chest when he asked to walk with me. He took my arm as we walked the streets of Paris. No matter how small the touch, it left me weak. "Are you wnjoying yourself Angelica? You seem lost in your concious"? Alex smiled sweetly at me and I blushed lightly. "Oh yes. Please forgive me, my mond seems to be somewhere else today". Alex gave a nod and went back into comfterable silence. As we rounded a corner I let out a gasp. The eiffel (HELL WAS IT EVEN AROUND? UGH IM A FUCKING IDIOT EXCUSE ME! AND IM TOO LAZY FOR RESEARCH) was an amazing sight before us. It was truley impressive, the sun glinting off the gorgeous metal making it almost glow. "Its beautiful". I muttered and just continued to stare in awe. "Its nothing compared to your beauty". I looked at him in suprise and embarresment. He was smirking at me, knowing that would make me blush. Angry I turned and walked away. "Oh dont be this way"! Alex called after me and I kept walking. Ugh I hated when he made me feel this way, yet I loved it. Alex walked beside me again. I kept my back straight and head forward as I walked, not giving him the satisfaction of a glance. My lips tugged at my cheek hiding my smirk as Alex grew impatient. "Angelica"! Alex came and stood infront of me grabbing my hands. I looked up "Yes Alex"? I was giggling now. I loved annoying him, seeing the almighty Alex get bothered at the one thing he can't do. Remain quite. I suddenly felt a hand on my cheek gently forcing me to look down. My cheeks grew incredabley warm in his hands as we gazed at eachother. His eyes were such a deep and rich color of brown it was impossible not to get lost in them. "Please forgive me dear Angelica"? Alex breathed, our lips now inches apart. My eyes fluttered shut. Our lips finally made contact and it felt as if I were floating. I felt his hands lightly lay at my sides and I sighed in content. His lips molded into mine, the feeling creating complete satisfaction. Alex pulled away and I exhaled loudly. "So..I take it I am forgiven"? I rolled my eyes and took his arm. "Shut up Alexander". 



Inside I was melting. Just staring at her enticing brown eyes made me almost weak. Her eyes complimenting her beautiful and defined features. I took a gamble and slowly leaned inwards. When our lips met it took all that I had within me not to pull her closer and deepen the kiss. I kept it slow and sweet, trying to remember we're in public. She didnt pull away, instead she let out a sigh of contentment that made my heart soar. I slowly pulled away and searched her face. "So....I take it I am forgiven dear Angelica"? She rolled her eyes and took my arm. "Shut up Alexander". I smiled brightly as we continued our stroll. I glanced back over at her, unable to keep my eyes off of her for too long. 'God she's gorgeous'. Her intellegent eyes analyzed everything around her, always curious and intrigued. She caught me staring and I looked away, suddenly bashful. 'Bashful!? Im Alexander Hamilton! I am NEVER ba-'. "Alex are you alright"? She smirked at me and placed her hand on my chest. "O-Oh yes. You-I-Yes I am fine". I stuttered unable to form a coherent sentence looking at her. She laughed and placed a soft kiss upon my cheek. "Oh Alex. Sometimes you are truely remarkable". Slightly confused I grinned and nodded. I puffed out my chest slightly "Yes, I am quite amazing in ways". Angelica gave another heavenly laugh and slapped my arm. Looking at her I realized I despratley needed her in my life, to stay in my life. She made me feel complete, like...something ive never known. I held her tighter in my grasp and looked straight ahead. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her give me a confused yet happy look. 'Angelica Schuyler.....I do believe ive fallen for you....'



I glanced up at him as he pulled me closer. My heart secretly skipped a few beats. I studied his features as he looked straight ahead. His eyes intense and his lovely black hair falling graciously unto his shoulders. I felt a tug in my chest when I realized I wanted, needed him to stay in my life.
'Dear Alexander....I think....I think ive fallen for you.


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