Chapter 11~ Madam

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2 months. It has been 2 months since I left my friends and love behind. I thought about them everyday, especially Y/N. I missed her, so much that there was an unescapeable pain in my chest. I was strolling in the garden, lost in my thoughts about her. I missed her beautiful Y/C/E eyes, her soft Y/C/H hair. Her sweet voice. I smiled sadly at the memmories of us at the river and in the tent. The day of...the incident. I hadnt wrote to any of them, I have recieved many letters from Alex and John and Herc and many others. None from Y/N. I guess she has decided to hate me. I can live with that, as long as shes ok. Other than the garden I also just stay in my room reading and trying to distract myself. "Lafayette! Come inside Mon coeur"! My grandmother called from the door. I smiled at her, she treated me as if I was 6. I dont mind being tooken care of, it was comforting. "Coming". I left my thoughts in the garden and made my way inside. She looked at me worridly then took my arm as I stepped inside. I hadnt really told her wy I came home, and she was worried about my well being. "Lafayette....Ive been very patient. Please tell me what is wrong Mon coeur". She led me into the living room and sat down across from me. I sighed, I couldnt keep a secret from her if I tried. "Okay..." I told her everything from the Winters Ball to the River to the Revolution and when Washington told me to leave. "I love her more than anything in my life  grand-mère. And I was so selfish as to let her stay. Now I wont get to see her ever again. She doesnt deserve me". I was fighting the lump in my throat as I told her this. "This, Y/N. She is fiesty non"? I smiled and looked up at her "Yes. She is like no other woman". She chuckled "It sounds like she wouldnt leave even if you had told her père". Well she did have a point. "Nonetheless. I should have told someone". My grandmother shook her head "My Mon coeur, this isnt your fault. She is an adult, and makes her own choices. And this, Washington, he is just scared for his daughter. He has overreacted. Just know that this isnt your fault". I nodded, trying to accept her words. With that she nodded "Well, I want to throw a party for your return mon doux petit-enfant"! I laughed "After 2 months? Now"? She smacked my head and I laughed harder "Hush! You know I am not wealthy. I have to save for these things! We'll hold the party next week on Monday". I nodded "Yes grand-mére". She smiled "Good. I will go tell the maids. And Lafayette". I looked at her "Please, be happy". I put on a smile "Yes grand-mére". After she was done I walked back out into the garden. I tried to focus on the intriqute flower beds and vineyards to calm myself.

"Pardon Misour"! I jumped and looked around "Hello"? "Over here Misour"! I turned to the fence and saw an extremely beautiful woman with red-lipstick. "Yes"? I walked to the fence. "I am so sorry Misour. But I seem to have dropped my purse through the cracks. Would you mind"? I looked down at the small handbag at my feet. 'How could that even happen'? Nonetheless I picked it up for her "Here you are madam". She smiled at me "Merci. I am Maria Reynolds. Who are you misour"? I gave a curt bow "I am Lafayette. Pleasure to meet you madam". "Please call me Maria". She batted her eyelashes at me and, I will admit it made me blush. I coughed "Well it is a pleasure Maria". She smiled sweetly and looked behind me "That is a lovely house". I turned "Oh. Yes it is quite mignonne". I held my breathe and turned to her "Ms. Maria...I am having a fête next Monday. Would you like to attend"? She smiled and batted her lashes again "Oh oui misour! Merci I will be there". I smiled "See you then Ms. Maria". She winked at me and walked away. I stood there a little shocked. What was that? What have I made her think? What do I think of her? Suddenly sweet Y/N popped into my head and all of my previous thoughts were subsided. I sighed and turned back to the gardenn thinking of Y/N. And Ms. Maria....


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