Chapter 13~ Can't Resist

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You yawned and sat up in the soft bed. 'What'? You frantically looked around but then remembered where you were. You smiled and laid back down into the warm bed. You were finally here with him, after waiting and wanting. You were finally his again. You snuggled deeper into the blankets and sighed. His grandmother had insisted on you to stay, much to your protests. Being to tired to move a muscle after the ball you accepted. Your normally an early morning person, but you were so worn out you couldnt even get up to see Lafayette. Suddenly the door flew open and someone jumped on the bed. "Agh"! You screamed and smacked whoever it was. "MERDE! Y/N its just me"! Laf rubbed his cheek and sat up on the bed. You gasped "Oh! Im so sorry. I didnt know". You kissed his cheek and he immeadietly brightened. "But you cant just barge into my room whenever you feel like it! What if I had been undeecent"? You were scolding him now. Honestly you wouldnt know how to react at that situation. Laf smirked "Its never been a problem in the past charié". His hands were now on the low part of your waist and he pulled you close "In fact, it wouldnt be a problem at all~". You squealed as he tackled you backwards with multiple kisses. He finally found your lips and crashed his firmly onto yours. You kissed him back sweetly and wrapped your arms around his neck. This time you didnt stop him when he slipped his tounge into your mouth, and enjoyed the feeling. You softly moaned and tugged at his hair while he worked your mouth. You both soon had to pull back for air but he didnt stop. He kissed down to your neck and then your collar-bone. You closed your eyes and softly moaned, enjoying every second. He started to head farther down when you stopped him. "I-I want to wait". You stuttered out as he crawled up and placed soft kisses on your neck. "Charié...."! Laf whined and kissed your ear-lobe and neck. You giggled "Im serious! I want to wait until we are married. Its more special that way". Laf hovered over you. "If thats what you want charié". You cupped his cheek "How did I get so lucky"? He let out a guffaw "Honestly mon ami, I should be asking that question".  He flipped and got under the covers with you, pulling you into his arms. You stayed like this for a while, but one thought was nagging at your mind. "Lafayette"? "Yes love"? You bit your lip "When is the wedding? I mean..if you still want to marry me". Laf turned you over "Ofcourse I still want to marry you! It would make me the happiest man in the world"! You sighed in relief. "As for the wedding...I dont know. We could have it here. But what would you tell your family"? Oh. You hadnt thought about that part. "I would tell them exactly that. That we're getting married and that they are invited. From then on its their decision". Laf nodded and smiled down at you. "So when do you want the wedding"? Hmm. You had always wanted a Winter wedding (SORRY IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT!). And in Paris, it would be breath taking. "Could we have it in the Winter? Maybe under the eiffel tower"? "That would be beautiful. Of course my fille précieuse". You chuckled "Laf you spoil me too much". He shrugged "I cant say no to a gorgeous woman! It would be a sin". You smacked his chest playfully and laughed in hystaria. "You must stop being so adorable charié". Laf nibbled your ear "Or I wont be able to resist~". You blushed deeply and moaned a little. Just as he was about to kiss you again, you put your finger to his lips. "Lets go get some breakfest". You smirked as Laf groaned and got up reluctantly. You pushed him out of the room and shut the door. "Y/N"! You slipped on a comfy house dress, because you weren't sure how his grandma would react to your style, and finally headed out the door. Laf was standing there with his arms crossed "You didnt have to shove me charié". He hooked arms with mine and he led me to the kitchen. His grandmother was already at the table smiling "Bonjour. Breakfest is already set Y/N". You nodded at her "Thank you. You truely have been too kind". She chuckled "Nonsense child, I am so happy to have you here". You blushed lightly and took your seat. "So grand-mére. We have come to the decision of...marrige". You choked on my eggs. You didnt think he would just say it, especially now. "Really! Oh Lafayette this is great"! She stood and hugged us both. You had finally caught your breathe "Laf I didnt think you would just...say it"! He looked down embaressed "I apologize. I just didnt know when else to say it". You rolled your eyes "Maybe later this afternoon but not right in the morning"! Laf smirked but before he could retaliate his grandmother scolded us "Silence! Dont fight over a matter that is joyus news. Have you decided where and when it will be held"? "Oh, I was wanting it in the Winter time. Under the Eiffel Tower". You pictured it in your mind, going off into a dream like trance. "Magnifique"! His grandmother spun around happily. 'For an elderly woman, she has a young spirit'. You thought fondly as she took your hand "I will help with the decor. This is so exiting non"? You nodded and she went into another happy bubble of hystaria. You glanced at Lafayette and noticed he was gazing at you fondly. You smiled in return and took his hand. A whole new chapter was about to begin in your life, and you couldnt wait.


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