Chapter 8

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Hey guys this is AJ picture 👆


It's been four weeks, yes! Four fucking weeks I don't know nothing about Alexa, her brother leave my face pretty bruise, bleeding and my right eye couldn't open. It take me a week so all the bruises can heal and the others three weeks having sex with different girls but all of them was blonde with baby blue eyes, that have some off Alexa personality.

A knock on my office door broke my trains of thoughts, calling to whosoever was on the other side the door to come in.

"Well, well, well, well, well look who decide for four week forget about his friends" the person said sarcastically, "So you have an excuse of why the actual fuck you're avoiding your friends?"

"I'd like to know why the fuck you just take away my paper work?" I say ignoring his questions.

"Trisha?" Jason yell.

"What?" She snap at him.

"Can you please tell me where you see Alex today?" Jason said with an evil smirk.

"Mm yeah she was at the airport with this guy name Shawn"

I narrowed my eyes at her answer. What the fuck four weeks past just four freaking weeks and she had another man with her. Getting out my seat slowly I look at my two friends.

"Did you see witch flight she had?" I asked Trisha.

"No, wait! What do you care?" Jason snapped at me.

"I do care about her" I murmured Jason was about to say something but Trisha beat him at it.

"I really don't think you care about her AJ. And if you did care about her and her feeling she wouldn't have been taken a plane" she glared at me dead in my eyes "Let me tell you something that hurt her the must seen you with another at her brother birthday party, AT HER BROTHER PARTY AJ! (Trisha yell) that one it's number one. Jason would you like too said pain number two"

"Pain number two Alex was at your house planning to have a long but long talk with you and said she forgive you for been suck a dumbass, she was walking up the stairs when she heard your slut moaning, Trisha and I was about too ring the door bell when it flew open host too see a sobbing Alexa, she told us what she heard and indeed we heard it too. It get louder and louder Alexa couldn't stand it anymore we help her put her clothes in the suitcases, and drive her at her parents house."

"You know AJ you don't deserve a girl like Alex she is kind, adorable, sweet and you paid her back by hurting her feelings" and with that Trisha leaves.

"Thanks AJ" Jason said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For been such a pussy for hurting my baby feelings" he snap at me and walk out my office.

I kept speechless what the fuck just happened, I lose my wife for been a dick and my best friends for hurting her so badly.

I really do care about Alex, wait! What! I have feelings for her too.

Now who the fuck gonna save me!

What should I do?

Do I deserve her forgiveness?

Am stuck in a shit hole now!

I need to apologize and make it up for her.

Walking out my office, 'not really I ran out my office' I decide to look for Alex, done in my car I think what am gonna do?.

She was the must unselfish and kind person I had ever see. I was frustrating but a part of me knew that was the way she would always act. A guilty pang made my stomach clench. It didn't justify me being an ass to her…

Then everything Jason and Trisha told me hit me like a sledgehammer, getting to my car I speed it to my destination the airport.

Once I reach I ran through the airport hoping I could see Alex but to my luck I didn't see her. People were already gaping at me and many had take out their phones and were snapping pictures of me. The biggest CEO from H.M company running through the airport. In their defense, I think I must have looked hilarious.

I didn't even stop at security. I jumped through all security check point effectively causing a scene through it all.

As I approach the gate for the first plane was about to board. My eyes scanned the seats but I couldn't find her.

"Alexa?" I shouted.





OMG what do you think going to happened well we'll see next chapter is Travis.💓

I'm sorry I didn't update sooner but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please say what you think about it, I will love to know if you like it or not.

The Man That Can't Love (TMTCL #1)/ Give Love A Second Chance (TMTCL #2)Where stories live. Discover now