this meme just saddens me and makes me laugh

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This is the most saddest but most laughable meme I have ever seen I was so sad but at the same time laughing my butt off because of this

This is the most saddest but most laughable meme I have ever seen I was so sad but at the same time laughing my butt off because of this

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But then I saw this one and i knew I was done for because even i can't do these dance

But then I saw this one and i knew I was done for because even i can't do these dance

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And then I saw this one and I was like "man...our fandom has grown so much ;3;"

And now a special one for KaggyLuvBtsAndExo15

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And now a special one for KaggyLuvBtsAndExo15

And now a special one for KaggyLuvBtsAndExo15

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These memes killed me so now I say.......JIKOOK FOR LIFE BEACHES!!
*breaks out of window and lands face first on the floor*

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