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        After school gets out I start to head out the door once I start to get onto the sidewalk Ryder wraps his arm around my waist. He tells me he can't come over tonight because his mom needs help with moving boxes in the basement. I'm so upset by this news that I didn't hear Ixxy walk up behind me till he clears his throat. I jump a bit when he clears his throat, I turn to him smiling.

        "Hey, I just wanted to say have a good night and goodbye" he says while his smile drops a bit from his face. I look over at Ryder and he is starring Ixxy down like a wild animal about to attack its prey. I move Ryder's arm away from my waist he gives me a whimper of complaint, I give him a glare and walk closer to Ixxy.

"Why you saying goodbye Ixxy?" I ask with concern in my voice.

        ''Well I have to go home, I don't know when I'll see you again" he says with a small smile on his face. I look at him then at Ryder, Ryder knows what I'm thinking and shakes his head no, I just roll my eyes at him and smile.

        "Well you don't seem like you wanna go home. You can come stay at my house if you want. Ryder usually does on nights that my parents are out of town, but his mom needs him home. I really hate being alone in my house" I say while I give Ryder a look telling him nothing is going to happen tonight or any other night if he stays over.

"Alright, I'll text my dad so he knows where I'm going to be at this weekend. He usually isn't home on the weekends anyway" he says that then walks off so he can text his dad and grab his bag. A moment later he comes back. "He said it was fine. I just need to go home and pick up my cloths. You wanna come with me?" He asks me with a smile on his face.

"Ya, I can. How would you get to my place in the first place" I giggle at the thought of him getting lost and not being able to get a hold of me. So we head to his place and he has to climb through his window because he forgot his keys on his desk. I go climb a tree next to his window so I can wait for him without creeping on him while he packs. About five minutes or so he is done with packing. I start to climb higher in the tree so he cant see me and so I can scare him. I start giggling a bit at the thought of him getting scared.

"Alex, I'm ready to head over to your place if you are that is" Ixxy says after he gets out of his window. He looks around for me like I left him behind or someone took me away from him. I jump down from the tree and I land behind him without making a sound then I hug him tight.

"Let me go! I don't want to go back!" Ixxy screams like he might die, I start to laugh so hard that I let him go and fall to the floor. "What was that for Alex?" he says in between breaths. "You scared the crap out of me" I start to laugh even harder than I already was. After I calm down a bit I stand up and dust off my skinny's.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself from scaring you" I giggle a bit then walk up to him with my arms out for a hug. He hugs me, I hug a bit tighter so he knows I'm sorry for scaring him. I end up sniffing him and man does he smell so good. I let go of him before…


Cliff hanger!!!!! I hope you all in joyed what I have typed up for you. :)

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