Chapter 13

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"Stop that!"

I stop moving in the chair and look up Kyle who is watching my every move, still fuming by my decision.

"I'm just moving, you idiot," I mutter and try to change my position so that I am not so close to his face.

"You are going to rip up your stiches if you continue to squirm like that," he says sternly, leaning even closer. Before I can answer, he starts talking again.

"You are not going to do this, even if I have to lock you up, is that clear?" I gape at him in shock. Is he threatening me?

"Watch me."

He grips my arms so fast that I can't even react. Howling me up in a surprisingly gentle, yet harsh way so that I am face to face with him, he glares daggers at me. What happened to the nice and funny Kyle? This guy has some serious emotion problems.

After staring at each other for a few moments, his face slowly turns into a devious smirk, making my insides churn. Oh dear, he is up to something.

He brings his arm around my waist, holding me up so that none of my weight hits the floor and I am pressed to his chest. His free hand comes up to my face, stroking down my cheek in a loving manner, but I know there is something behind the touch.

"Do you have any idea how sexy you are when you get mad?" He brings his lips just below my ear, sucking harshly on my skin. I can already feel a mark develop under the pressure. A moan starts sounding from my throat as my eyes roll back when the sensation becomes too good.

"You can't change my mind," I whisper through gritted teeth, trying to keep in another moan. A low, manly chuckle comes out, letting me feel the vibration against my chest.

"I don't need to." He brings his head away from my neck, his eyes meeting my own. They are dark and his smirk still on his face, only becoming deeper and deeper.

"What?" I ask. Thank God that he is holding my body up, because if he wasn't I would have fallen to the ground already.

"I just need to distract you," he whispers, and I shiver when I hear all the promises in his voice.

Without warning, he takes a firm hold of my neck, pulling my face to his. He smashes his lips against mine and I am too lost in the pleasure that I can't find myself to push him away. Our lips move together in sync, fighting for the dominance. Our bodies move around and not long after I feel the hard wall behind me.

Kyle pulls away, just far enough for us to catch our breaths, but it doesn't last long. Just seconds later he crushes his lips back onto mine, but this time a little slower and more passionate. His plump lips feel so soft and tastes both sweet and bitter. The combination of his smothering kisses and gentle touches are bringing me over the edge at this point.

A tiny yelp escapes from my mouth, immediately being caught by his, and I must clutch onto his messy strands of hair that is now in every direction. One of his arms are still firmly placed around me to keep me up, but the other one is embracing every part of my body, moving around with rough touches. Up my thigh, only slightly skimming my private area that is yearning for more, and up till the side of my breast.

"Oh God," I say into the kiss, the words muffled by his tongue fighting with mine. Abruptly he pulls away, leaving me panting for air as he trails his teeth lightly down my neck. I moan, embarrassingly loud, and I can feel Kyle smile against my skin. That teaser.

He pushes his body harder against mine and I notice the bulge pressing against me through his jeans. My face heats up when I feel the provident of his excitement pressed up against my thigh; he is just as excited as I am. Ignoring the growing need to rip his clothes off, I try to master the strength to form any kind of words which isn't his name or a yelp.

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