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After I saw her that one time, I became deeply curious. Maybe even a little too curious. Once, I even went as far as following her to school one day and let me tell you, High School is still as dreadful as it was back then.

But this all became a routine for me. You see, I'd wake up at the crack of dawn and make my tea before watching a little TV; you never know what's on these days. Then I'd get my mail and after determining what was useful and worthless, I'd head out to find my dearest Bree. Yes, Bree was her name. I found out a couple of days ago and I can't get over it. The name suits her. It has a ring of innocence to it; the definition of her.

Today was a Saturday, meaning she would probably be at the back of the coffee shop. She enjoyed sketching the scenery behind the Shoppè. Saturdays were one of my favorites, I could watch her all I wanted without fear of being caught. Sometimes after she was done with her coffee, she'd roam the park. I enjoyed when she did that. It gave me the chance to talk to her, although I never took it. It was just nice knowing I could talk to her if I wanted to.

I pulled on my rain coat and got out my umbrella. The weather forecaster predicted rain this upcoming evening and I would hate to get wet. Carefully locking my door and double checking the locks, I placed on my hat and searched the streets for my Bree.

Sweet little Bree.

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