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I spent an entire week holed up in my house for an entire week. I didn't even go to the Coffee Shop or the park like I usually did. I sat there in my room tinkering with my plan. For this to work, It would have to be precise right down to the last second. I frowned at the list I made.

Something was missing.

Quickly searching the house, I found the old lock for my bedroom door. This would come in handy. I gathered my materials as fast as I could. I needed to do this today. Its been fat too long and I couldn't wait any longer. Grabbing my top hat and jacket, I headed out the door. This would require a car so I grabbed my keys as well. I cranked up the car and pulled out of the drive way. It only took a 30 minutes before I reached the familiar rusty gate.

I cautiously placed a hand in my pocket as I approached my destination.

"Hey Mr. Evans." Bree stood up and greeted me with our normal hand shake.

"Hello Bree." I let out a nervous laugh.

"I've been working on taking pictures outside my comfort zone, like you suggested." she pulled out a portfolio of photos and showed them to me.

I wasn't even paying attention.

"See!" she sounded so excited but I could barley focus on her voice, I was more focused on the task at hand.

My heart was beating too loud and I was pretty sure she could hear it as well.

"Are you alright?" she stopped talking and looked at me with concern.

"Yes, why would you say that." I licked my dry lips.

"You've gone all pale."

My eyes darted around the park. It was empty, as to be expected since a storm was expected to hit soon.

"I-I'm sorry." I whispered and pulled my hand out of my pocket.

"For what?" She scrunched up her nose and glanced at me.

"This." I quickly covered her nose and mouth with the cloth.

She clawed at me as I clamped down on her mouth.

"Shh Bree. It'll be okay. I won't hurt you." I held her even tighter.

She struggled against me and screamed all the while until eventually she went limp. Her legs gave way from underneath her and I scooped her up in my arms before she fell. I ran to the car. I couldn't be seen carrying this girl. Laying her gently in the back seat, I strapped myself in. On the outside I was a sweaty, nervous, wreck but on the inside I was giddy.

She was mine. She was all mine and this time, I wouldn't let her get away.



I promised a longer chapter and I lied. Im a dirty liar and I'm sorry! I just need to take a break from this. All the scheduled writing and all its driving me nuts! I can barley keep up in school because Im fretting over wattpad stories and if I updated or not! I can't spend this much time on this app, its unhealthy and quite frankly, I'm losing it.

(Like in all seriousness, Im barley sleeping or anything so I'm hallucinating and its not fun!)

I'm under pressure and stressed the flip out and I need some time. Give me about a week or two and ill update again. Okay?

Please understand, I'm truly sorry.


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