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I was afraid to sleep but my body didn't want to hear it seeing as it had other plans for me. My body grew heavy at first and the my breathing started to slow. No matter how hard i tried to fight it, the feeling of relaxation caressed my body. My eyelids started to droop and before I knew it, I was asleep.


I woke up under a tree. Blinking my eyes rapidly, I sat up.

How did I even get here?

The sun was up and shining but it seemed quiet. That was really strange. Ohio was like a mini New York, it was always busy so why not today. I dusted myself off before walking around a bit. As I kept walking a feeling of familiarity washed over me as I realized I was in the park. I skipped a little, happy that I was somewhere that I felt safe.

It didn't even cross my mind as to how I got away for him.

I walked a little more until I reached my tree. I touched it and sighed softly. It had always been a place of good memories. Suddenly, I appeared underneath the tree. I stared incredulously at myself. How was that even possible?

"Hello?" I asked but apparently I didn't hear myself because I didn't look up.

"Um. . . Excuse me." I said and tried tapping my shoulder but my hand went straight through it.

I let out a small gasp and snatched my hand back. What was going on here?

Out of nowhere, Mr. Evans appeared and I started to freak out.

"Get up!" I yelled at myself. "He's coming!"

I only looked up and smiled at him.

I tried waving my hands in my face but it didn't even get a glance in my direction. I stood in front of him and tried to stop what I knew was about to happen.

"I'm sorry." he whispered before charging at me.

I closed my eyes in fear and when I opened them, I realized that he had me. I watched as I struggled against this man and a few tears leaked out. It was no use trying to fight him. I was going to lose anyway.

Slowly, I turned around and left myself to get kidnapped.

My chest was heaving and I could barley see what lied in front of me. I stumbled on something and fell with an 'oomf!' I tried to pull myself back up but black gunk was attached to my hands and feet. I struggled but it only resulted in me sinking.

I looked up to see that I was back at the tree. Mr. Evans was there as well and his face held a malicious smile. I tired to let out a scream but the only thing that came out was silence. He sauntered forward and crouched on one knee before me.

"Your never getting away." he whispered before bringing the cloth to my mouth.

I let out a strangled cry as I realized I couldn't do anything. This situation was hopeless.

My tree, that used to glow with good memories was now tainted black and dripped with the gunk that covered my body. my vision started to blur out as whatever he used on me started to kick in.

No. I thought before darkness engulfed me.


"No" I screamed and nearly jumped out of bed.

My body was shaking and I was a sweaty mess. It was only a dream, I thought, willing myself to calm down.

But it all felt too real. I now knew what it felt like to be completely vulnerable and helpless and it scared me.

What if I had no chance of getting out of here? What if I was stuck here forever?

Shaking my head of these thoughts, I laid back down. Im not going to give up. I will find a way out of here,

Even if it kills me.

A week has passed and everything sort of felt familiar around here. John would wake me up at precisely 6 and let me take a shower, while he stood outside the door. Then we would eat breakfast and I'd go back to my room. Sometimes he would allow me to stay downstairs and watch TV. I took that time to see it my mother had reported me missing.

I clicked through the channels to find the news and saw that I was indeed on there.

"19 year old Bree Stokes has been missing for about a week now. Her mother discovered she was missing when she came home from work. The child's bag was found scattered across the park underneath a tree, giving the police the impression that she had been taken away by force."

I let out a small gasp as I saw my mother in the background crying

"If you see her, or know where she is, please contact your local police."

"Please let my baby be okay." her voice rang out from the back and I had to bite back tears.

"Now back to the new-" the screen went blank.

I stared at it confused and turned to John who stood behind me with a cold expression on his face.

"Lets go back to your room" he said, void of any emotion as he dragged me out of the living room.

I knew better than to fight him now so I just allowed him to pull me away. He opened the door and pushed me in.

"Stay." he ordered as he slammed the door in my face.

I sat on the bed and let out a huff. My mind raced with the information that Id just heard. At least someone was looking for me, that meant that I had some hope of getting out of here. My heart just about broke when I heard my mother on the TV. She seems so upset and vulnerable that it hurt to watch it.

I couldn't just give up on getting out of here because I had to be strong for not only myself but my mother as well.

I didn't want to let her down.


Another chapter of CS finished. I hope you guys like this because I've been putting off my homework just to update for you guys.

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