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I sat in front of my computer screen, furiously typing away. I'd already found out that Anne lived alone and that she was currently an author.


Now all I needed to know is where she lived. It's funny, how much you can find out in the Internet. Its as if its designed so stalkers can catch their next victim.

2 hours have passed and I still haven't found an address. Scrolling to the top of the page, I was about to log out but something caught my eye. In the corner of the web page, was Anne's phone number. I wrote it down on a sticky note before shutting my computer down. I walked slowly towards my phone as anticipation ate away at me.

What would she say? Would she be glad that I called? Disappointed?

My slender fingers picked up the phone as I dialed in her number.


I waited as it rang multiple times. I was almost about to give up but miraculously, she answered.

"Hello." A tired voice rang out.

My breathing hitched. It was her, I would know her voice anywhere.

"Hello!" She sounded aggregated.

"Um, h-hi Anne." I spoke.

"Who's this?" her tone turned towards accusation lightly peppered with curiosity.

"It's me, James."

I waited as the line went silent.

"H-how did you get this number?" her voice shook.

"That doesn't matter. I just wanted to know if you wanted to, you know, meet up sometime later?"

"No! I don't want to be anywhere bear you! You shouldn't even be talking to me." She fumed.

"Why wouldn't I talk to my own wife?"

"We. Are. Divorced. Get that through your head." she spat.

I clenched the phone tightly.

"No were not." I said through clenched teeth.

"You need help James."

I was about to respond but she hung up. Letting out an animalistic cry, I threw the phone at the wall. As expected, it shattered.

Now I had to buy a new phone.

My nostrils flared as I thought about our phone call. She can't just say its over. She can't make that call, its over when I say its over! I ran a hand through my already thinning hair. Anne and Bree's face kept switching out in my mind until only Bree's showed. If I couldn't have Anne, then I would have her look alike.

And no one would tell me any different.


So its short, I know! Im truly sorry but I can't focus and I'm a nervous wreck! Things are happening and stress and irritation are growing. My next chapter will be longer, I promise.

Don't forget to:





If you could do all of those I would be über happy!

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