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Okay? Everything was not going to be okay. I was walking in the bloody rain and I didn't have a hood. If only I didn't give up my umbrella.

You gave it up for a good reason

Yeah, and now I'm going to catch prenemonia. I thought as I slammed the door shut.

Don't be so grumpy.

Then leave me alone. I replied curtly as I quickly peeled out of my wet clothes and hopped into the shower.

I let my mind wander to my encounter with Bree. I wonder what she thought of me. A strange man wearing a dirty rain jacket giving up his umbrella. I gave up trying to imagine what she thought of me. To be honest, I didn't really care.

Yes you do.

Sighing, I squirted a generous amount of shampoo into my hands before lathering it through my hair. After rinsing thoroughly, I got out and wrapped a towel around myself before heading into my room.

I changed into a t-shirt and pajama pants before getting out my medical kit. Taking out the thermometer, I checked my temperature. I always hated waiting for the stupid thing to beep. It always took so long and I was an impatient man. Finally, after why seemed like hours, the numbers showed up.


I took out some medicine and took the right dosage. Even though I wasn't that sick, I didn't want to take the chance of getting even sicker.

After that was taken care of and everything put in its correct place, I got into bed. It was only 1:00 at night but I didn't have anything else to do. Pulling out my poetry book, I read where I last left off:

"Do not trust him, gentle lady

Thought his voice be low and sweet

Heed not him who kneels before you

Gently pleading at your feet

Now thy life is in the morning

Cloud not this, thy happy lot

Listen to the gypsy's warning,

Gentle lady, heed him not."

I chuckled slightly and reread it, finding it ironically funny. This poem was right, gentle ladies shouldn't trust a stranger. Marking my page, I laid down in bed and closed my eyes.

I begged sleep to come and take me away and eventually,

It did.

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