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I stared at the two officers that stood nonchalantly on my doorstep and tried not to spas out on them. I could feel fear and anxiety bubbling at the surface of my skin but I forced it down with a smile. I shook each officers hand before taking a step back into my house.

"What can I do for you officers?" my voice came out strong.

"Well sir, an 19 year old girl, Bree Stokes, went missing about 2 weeks ago and were wondering if you've seen her."

Bree. Her image floated into my mind but I forced it away. Be cool about it.

Pretended to think about it for a while, I shook my head signaling that I hadn't seen the girl.


"I live so far out in the middle of nowhere, I barley see anyone." I chuckle a little and they join in as well.

"Ok then sir. Thanks for your time. If you do see her please call your local police."

"I will." I said and stayed on my porch until I was sure they had gotten in their cars and driven away.

Slamming the door with a scowl, I flopped onto the couch.

The nosy pricks.

My breathing went back to normal almost immediately as I sat down on the couch.

They couldn't take away my Anne. I wouldn't let them. They already took her away once but I wasn't letting that happen again.

An idea sprouted in my head quickly making me jump into action. I grabbed my suit case and began shoveling clothes into them.

I had to go somewhere the police wouldn't find me.

I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the necessities, making sure to grab Anne's as well.

I couldn't let them stop me from claiming what's rightfully mine.

Speaking of Anne, I had to get her out of the house without her trying to run away.

I went under the sinks and grabbed the bottle and rag. If this was the only way to bring her along, then it was what would have to be done.

I shoved the bathroom stuff into the bag before zipping it shut. Then I made my way to her room. I slipped the key in the door slightly as I twisted the doorknob to open it. Anne sat on the on the edge of her bed, staring at nothing but the moment she saw the door open, she screamed and hid underneath the bed.

She was making things rather difficult.

I stooped low and wrapped on hand around her ankle before giving on sharp tug that made her slide from underneath there.

"Stop!" she screamed as she threw punches in a wildly manner.

I sighed in frustration and I grabbed her arms and held them down. I didn't want to have to use force.

"What are you-" she began but the cloth was already upon her face.

Her eyes went wide with fear as she struggled for a while. Then she collapsed into a heap on top of me. I quickly bound her arms and placed a piece of tap on her mouth. I didn't want her screaming to alert the authorities.

I picked Anne up bridal style as I carried her down the stairs. I let her rest on the chair.

"I've got this honey, I won't let then separate us again." I stroked her hair before going to her room to pack.

Once that was done, I threw the bags into the car before going back in after Anne. I placed her gently in the seat of the car and laid her down as comfortably as possible.

Kissing her forehead, I closed the door and sat in the drivers seat. I adjusted the mirror so I could see her face, her sweet, innocent face.

"We'll be okay soon." I told her before starting the car up and driving away from this town.

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