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"Una abuela, ¿qué estás haciendo aquí? •um grandma, what are you doing here•" I asked shutting the door and walking over to her

"Así que es con quien mi nieta está casada. Lo hiciste bien Serena •so this is who my granddaughter is married to. you did good Serena•"

"Abuela!! ¿qué estás haciendo aquí! hice mamá le enviaremos o algo !! •what are you doing here! did mom send you or something!!•" I snapped

"Mira tu tono conmigo Te he estado llamando y sé que sabes que quiero conocer a este hombre y lo estás ocultando de nosotros. ¡¿para qué?! •watch your tone with me! I've been calling you and I know you know I wanna meet this man and your hiding him from us! for what?!•" she snapped back at me

"Sabes que no lo estoy escondiendo de nadie que lo vayas a ver el próximo fin de semana para la fiesta! •you know I'm not hiding him from anyone you're gonna meet him next weekend for the party!•" I told her. She shrugged her shoulders

"No importa Él debe conocer a su abuela, su madre, padre y hermana antes que! Maya no lo ha conocido Serena! •doesn't matter! he should meet your grandmother, your mother, father and sister before than! Maya hasn't even met him Serena!•" she yelled. I sighed in frustration and rolled my eyes. I stepped in between the two

"¡multa! Abuela esta es Spencer •fine! Grandma this is Spencer• Spencer this is my Abuela Gloria" he looked so confused and lost. But smiled and shook her hand

"It's nice to meet you Gloria" he spoke. She smiled wide and checked him out

"¿Sabes lo que dicen sobre la gente alta? •you know what they say about tall people right?•" my eyes grew big

"Le estoy diciendo a mamá que usted dijo un gesto inapropiado sobre su pene. Eso es desagradable • I'm telling mom that you said an inappropriate gesture about his penis. that's just nasty•" she laughed and I chuckled and shook my head. I looked over at Spencer and he was already staring at me with a small smile on his face. I blushed and looked away

"Oh mi señor, mi Grand bebé cheques son más rojo que un tomate. usted está ruborización mi amor •oh my lord, my grand baby's checks are redder than a tomato. You are blushing my love•" she pinched my checks as I spatted her hands away

"por favor, parada. estamos comer lo puedes volver más tarde, se lo conocí así su buena •please stop. we're eating so can you come back later, you met him so your good•" she nodded and fixed my hair and clothes

"que era agradable reunión usted, es mejor tener cuidado de mi Grand bebé •it was nice meeting you, you better take care of my grand baby•"

"She said it was nice meeting you" I told Spencer as he kissed her hand and she smiled

"It was a pleasure meeting you also Gloria" he said she smiled and turned to me

"Asegúrese de que el tratamiento de lo bueno también es un buen hombre • make sure you treat him good also he's a nice man•" she told me as we hugged

"bien te amo • alright I love you•" she smiled and kissed my cheek than left. I shut the door and sighed leaning on it

"Your grandma is cute" I glared and crossed my arms

"Than why didn't you go fake marry her!?" I snapped

"Because I want YOU" his eyes went from light to dark in seconds with the emotions change

"Whatever. Help me clean please"

•Next Weekend•

"Are you ready?" I asked walking out of my room all dressed for the party

"Damn! You look sexy as fuck Serena" he looked me up and down and I blushed again

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"Damn! You look sexy as fuck Serena" he looked me up and down and I blushed again

"Stop saying stuff like that!" I walked over to the table and grabbed my hand bag

"Well, after tonight you will officially be my wife and MY lady and MY lover" he said smiling from from ear to ear

"If you meet my standards" he smiled and nodded

"Oh don't worry. I'm amazing, but for real thought Serena you look beautiful tonight" I looked him dead in his eyes as he looked me dead in mine and smiled

"Thanks" I blushed and turned around to face the door

"Can we hold hands or no?"


"Bienvenido Bienvenido. Ven en mi familia •welcome welcome, come in my family•" my aunt Glinda said opening the door. I smiled and walked in kissing both her cheeks

"Hello there, my name is Glinda and I'm Serena's favourite aunt" I laughed and so did she as she hugged Spencer

"Nice you meet you Glinda, I'm Spencer"

"Oh mi, tu abuela tenía razón sobre su altura •oh my, your grandmother was right about his height•" my eyes went wide as I blushed "Ella también me dijo que te ruborizas •she also told me about the blushing" I rolled my eyes

"Let's go" I grabbed his arm and walked away from my aunt as she laughed and shut the door. I brought him into the living room where everyone was

"Finally!" They all yelled as I smiled at them. Even though I see my family every weekend it's jut exiting to see them

It took us about 20 minutes to go around and introduce Spencer to everyone

"It is nice to finally meet you Mr." Maya said as the music started playing and people started dancing

"Nice to meet you too Maya. You guys look so much a like its crazy" I raised my brow

"No we don't, she's so small" Maya said sipping on her drink. This night is gonna be a ride with all these drunk people

"You are only 2 years older than me Maya, fuck off" we all laughed and than my song came on

"Let's dance, this is what I learned to Salsa to. Let me prove to you that I wan this" he stood up and stood in front of me holding out both of his hands for me to take

"Your lucky I love this song" taking his hands walking over to the dance floor

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