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"Ready" he asked as we got in formation which was super close. My cheeks went super red, and he smirked

At one part we got so close where my bum was on his pe and I blushes so hard it's not even funny

"No te asombres si una noche
Entro a tu cuarto y nuevamente te hago mía Bien conoces Mis errores El egoísmo de ser dueño de tu vida Eres mía (mía mía) No te hagas la loca eso muy bien ya lo sabias" I sung as we danced

I can feel that my face is hotter than a tomato, there were a lot of moments when we almost close to kissing. Eww I can't, after the dance I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and he laughed

"That was amazing" he beamed

"Yea. I'm going to the bathroom" I walked away as quickly as possible, I went into the bathroom and looked at my red face in the mirror.

"Come on Serena! What are you doing? You're not like this you salsa with boys all the time it's not that big of a deal. Get your stuff together now! " I snapped at myself, I started to fan myself and cool down.


The rest of the night was good, I can tell the family likes Spencer but I don't want them to like him before I know how I feel

"So" we were seated on the couch together at like 2:30 we just got back from the party

"Okay, we can try this-"

"YES!!!" He yelled jumping up and running around before he sat down back before me


"Oh Damn there's a but" I rolled my eyes as he still smiled

"We have to take things really slow"

"I can do that" he sounds so exited

"As in you can't be living here" his eyes snapped to mine instantly

"Wait what! Why not?" He asked sad

"Because, I don't just move in with people as soon as I start a relationship with them. It's to soon and we are taking things slow so, either you take it or leave it"

"As hard as it not waking up everyday to see glue beautiful face and sexy body dancing. But yes I can do that" he told me smiling

"Your so exited aren't you?" I asked him

"Yes I am! Your my wife now-"

"No, I'm your girlfriend kinda" he nodded his head

"I can stay here for the rest of the night right?" I nodded my head and stood up, I turned to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around pulling me into his chest, I didn't even have time to think before his lips were smashed into mine. My eyes were wide open, I was shocked as hell. I never ever saw this coming in a million years

It wasn't anything long or romantic, it was just a soft medium length peck on the lips. He pulled away and smiled at me

"Good night gorgeous" he turned around and walked away from me and into the bathroom

•Next Morning•

I woke up the next morning and it was my day off so I was good to sleep in. Last night I got no sleep at all because of what he did you me! I told him I wanted to take things really slow and that was really fast for me. I checked the time and got ready to go out with My best bitch Lindsay. I haven't seen her in a while and I do miss her

"Bitchh!" Lindsay yelled as we hugged in the cafe

"Girl, it's been to long man, how was your vacation?" I asked looking through the menu

"My vacation was well needed, how about you. I heard about everything that's going on"

"He kissed me last night Lindsay!" She looked shocked

"Actually?" Was the first things that came out of her mouth. I nodded "what kind of kiss was it?"


"Serena! Spill, what kind of a kiss was it?" I thought for a second

"It wasn't anything major, it was a peck but a little longer than a peck" she smiled and clapped her hands "why are you so excited?"

"Because, Serena have you met yourself? You never kiss boys after you know, everything that's happened. You finally found someone and I'm very proud of you!"

"Wait hold on one second! I don't like him like that, I told him last week that if he learned how to salsa for the weekend that just passed we could give us a shot. Then that same night I told him that he couldn't live with me because that's not how I start relationships, so before I went into the room he pulled me and he kissed me and he said good night and I went to sleep" I told her

"It's only a matter of time before you fall hard for him"

"But I don't want to Lindsay" I whined

"To bad! It needs to happen sooner or later that you find someone"

"I'd rather that be later"

"Serena, this man clearly liked you! He's been about for what? A month, any other guys would have left by now once they found out that you weren't giving them sex. Spencer wants this and he has proven it to you"

"Whatever, never gonna happen"


I got home from spending the whole day with Lindsay. Opening the door I was kinda hoping to see Spencer but I know he's not here. I put my stuff where I always do and wasn't even hungry. I showered and got my pjs and than my phone rang

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller id

"Hi babe" my heart stopped for a second

"Oh please don't call me that. That's weird" I told him

"Why not? Your my quote un quote kinda girlfriend so I should be able to call you babe" I rolled my eyes and laid down

"Whatever what do you want?" I asked turning my side lamp on

"I just wanted to hear your voice, I haven't heard your voice all day" I blushed hard. Nobody has said that to me before so it's weird

"Your lying. My voice is the ugliest thing you can hear over the phone. What do you really want?" I raised my brow waiting for his response

"No it's not. You have a sexy voice especially when you wake up. Your voice does sound tired only because you probably have had a long day today. Other than that I love hearing your voice everyday. It's like music to my ears" blushhhhh

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