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"Good morning" I heard his sexy raspy morning voice as I turned around to come really close face to face with him

"Morning" I sighed. I wonder what today is gonna be like. I'm here for 6 more days and I'm not looking forward to it. He kissed my forehead

"Don't stress, today will be fun, I'll be taking you out and showing you around town" he told me as I nodded

"I'm gonna go take a shower" he let me role out of his arms

"Can I join?"

"Keep dreaming Mr" he laughed

I did all the stuff that I needed to do like showering, brushing my teeth, using the bathroom, getting dress, doing my hair, makeup and such

I straightened my hair and put it in a high ponytail

I walked out and he was already ready looking really good

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I walked out and he was already ready looking really good

"Your ready already?" I asked putting my stuff away in the bag

"Yea, you take a really long fucking time in the bathroom. So I used the other bathroom" I blushed and he walked over to me. He put the palm of his hand my cheek and brought me in for a kiss. It was a quick on and he pulled away but we were still close

"You look stunning today" I blushed and thanked him

"So I was thinking. I'd rather not have breakfast with my fucked family so why don't we go out somewhere I used to go when I didn't wanna eat with them?" He asked raising his brow

"Sounds good, not trying to fight with anyone today" he smiled and kissed my hand as I blushed

"Let's go then" he said. He walked in front of me and than stopped making me bump into him. I looked up at him as he looked down at me "as I said, you are a great cuddlier" I rolled my eyes and pushed him out the door as he laughed. We walked downstairs and everyone was in the dining room

"Good morning" Spencer said not looking at his dad or step mom

"Morning" the boys said

"Good morning sweetie" Nicole said kissing his cheek. He kissed hers

"Good morning Serena, how was your sleep?" She asked rubbing my back in a worming way

"Good morning, it was good thanks" she smiled and walked out the dining room

"What did you guys fuck?" Ryan asked as I blushed super hard. Spencer chuckled at my blushing as I blushed even harder

"Did you fuck her under my roof!?" Giovanni snapped as I blushed reder

"No! Even if we did why the fuck is that your business! I never said anything all those times when you were to busy fucking Christina instead of watching us!" Spencer snapped. I was shocked but I still blushed at. Nothing, everyone looked shocked as hell

"I came to tell you, we won't be joining you for breakfast and we'll be back when we are back" with that, Spencer turned around grabbing my hand in his and walked out as I followed along. We walked to this nice clean white Range Rover and opened the door for me

"Thank you" he smiled and shut my door as I got in. It was nice in here, he got around and shut his door

On the way we had little small talk nothing to big. We pulled up at this cute looking diner

"Oh my gosh Spencer!" This lady looked about 50, she was about the same height as me, she looked to be a Latina like me, a round figure with an apron on

"Maria" Spencer smiled big as he wrapped his big arms around her figure

"I haven't seen you En tanto tiempo •in so long• where have you been?" She does speak Spanish. She pulled away and looked him up and down

"I've been around like always" her eyes landed on me as she smiled wide

"And who may I ask is this?" She asked looking at him then at me

"This is my girlfriend Serena" Maria looked me up and walked over to me smiling. She put her hands on my shoulders as she looked at me

"No eres una mujer hermosa • aren't you a beautiful woman?•" she asked as I smiled. Haven't heard Spanish in a while like I used to

"gracias •thank you•" she looked shocked to hear me say that. Then she smiled and hugged me which I hugged her back, she then turned to Spencer

"Finally got the right one" I blushed and he chuckled "where are you from?" Now you can actually hear the accent in her voice

"The Dominican Republic and Peru" she smiles and nodded

"I am also from The Dominican, what part?"

"Punta Cana" she nodded

"Puerto Plata" I nodded my head. I've been there a few times

"Come and sit please, Spencer I know what you'll be getting, should I get the same for her?" She asked

"Yes, she's gonna love it. Thank you Maria" Maria gave us one last smile before walking away. I followed Spencer to this booth, he sat on one side and I sat in the other

"Spencer, good to have you back man" this time it was this man, he looked about 60 topical Spanish grandpa

"Amelio" Spencer got up and hugged him before pulled away

"You brought a lovely lady" Amelio took my hand in his and kissed it as I smiled nicely at him

"This is my girlfriend Serena" he smiles at me

"Beautiful woman you have here, did you already talk so Maria?" He asked looking over at Spencer

"Yea, as soon as we walked in" Amelio laughed as I smiled and so did Spencer

"Well I have work to do. Busy busy, it was great meeting you Serena" he said shaking my hand one last time

"You too Amelio" with that he walked away

"Wow, so your really known at this place huh?" I asked

"I used to go here every single day. They are like a second family to me, I got my first job here, whenever I would he kicked out they'd have my back and I'd stay with them and their son. They are a wonder couple, wonderful people"

"Kicked out for what?" I raised my brow

"I was a bad kid my dad says. I got into trouble that's all, nothing major" I nodded. Today was actually a good day, I'm sad to say that I'm actually getting used too Spencer now, we went everywhere as he shows me around where he grew up and it was just a well spent day, with no drama

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