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"So how far are you?" He asked as we drove to his parents house

"3 weeks today" I said playing with his hand that was in my knee as he drove

"Wow, you don't know what it is yet right?" He asked as I shook my head

"Nope. I've only went to one appointment" I told him as he held my hand properly

"I'm sorry about missing that by the way"

"Stop apologizing. I already forgave you so stop" I said looking at my ring the sparkled as the sun hit it

We drove the rest of the way just talking about random still

"Serena!" His mom beamed as we hugged

"How are you?" I asked pulling away

"How am I? How are you? I'm gonna be a grandmother" she beamed as I smiled and nodded

"I'm so exited. It's about time Spencer!" She said hugging him. We walked in and there was a lot of people here

"Serena!" I heard a voice yell, I turned around and saw Spencer's cousin Mareyea, lol the way they spelt her name

"Hi" I smiled hugging her. We pulled away

"I can't believe your pregnant"

"So everyone knows I'm pregnant?" I asked as she chuckled

"Yup, your mother in law can't hold a secret and neither can my mom so" I laughed. She stopped laughing and looked disgusted. I followed her gaze and saw this girl. She looked familiar, she was hugging Spencer smiling. I've seen her before

She pulled away and her hand gripped his biceps. Hold the hell on, who is this!!

"Who is that?" I asked still looking at her

"That's Alison. She just moved back in town, she's family friends" she said, we never once took out eyes off her. He said something and she started dying, she reached out again and put her hand on Spencer's chest

"What the fuck!?" I said getting irritated and mad in like 2 seconds

"Like I know Spencer isn't that funny" Mareyea said. We still didn't look away from glaring at her. Tucker said something to Spencer and turned around locking eyes with me. I glared and turned around so I wasn't facing him anymore

"He's walking over here" Mareyea told me. I rolled my eyes. Hands wrapped around my waist pulling me into a hard chest. I rolled my eyes again

"Didn't your mom tell you it was rude to stare?" He whispered in my ear, I looked back and up at him and he laughed. I didn't even smile, he leaned done to kiss me and I turned my face so he kissed my ear.

"What's wrong?" He asked whispering in my ear

"Nothing I'm just irritated" I said


"My sister In law!" Tucker said, I pulled away and walked into the arms of my brother in law. We pulled away

"Hi Tucker" I said smiling

"You don't look impressed" I crossed my arms looking at Spencer

"I jus don't like when other hoes touch me man!" I snapped as they all laughed. I didn't find anything funny

"Oh baby" he walked over to me wrapped his arms around my neck barring my face in his chest

"Stop" I groaned pushing him off

"Baby, I wasn't touching her back" he said as I glared at him

"So. You let her touch your chest, hell thats MY chest!" I snapped as he laughed

"Well technically it's my chest but" I glared hard at him as I clenched my jaw "stop" he said getting serious "your stressing you self over nothing and you need to chill and stop!" He demanded. He knows I'm getting worked up


"Now give me kiss" I rolled my eyes going on my tippy toes and kissing his lips. Just a quick peck, I turned to walk away and he grabbed my hand pulling me back into his chest smashing his lips onto mine. I kissed back and pulled back blushing because we were at his parents house

"These are my lips" he demand

"And that's my chest. That property belongs to Serena Mendes" he smiled kissing me one more time before we walked to where everyone was

"I see you calmed down" Tucker said

"Hello everyone. Thank you for joining us today" Spencer's mom said as everyone looked at her "I called everyone here to celebrate me being another Grandmother. Finally Spencer" everyone gasped and looked at us. Spencer smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me into his side

"Wow congrats guys" one of his aunts said. I smiled and he bent down to kiss me and my short self

"But that's not all. Britney, is getting married" Brit is like a sister to Spencer and a daughter to Nicole. Everyone cheered and clapped

"A lot is gonna be happening. A new family member will be joining us along with another family member will be joining us. Id like today we eat and have fun" everyone clapped and she walked out the room

"I didn't know you were pregnant. Congrats" One of his cousins said

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