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First thing that I saw when I walked into the house with Spencer, I smiled so big and he walked to me lifting me up as we hugged. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as we hugged each other.

"I missed you so much" he said. We pulled away from our hug and kissed. I missed his kisses even though it was only 2 days

He put me down

"So what happened?" I asked. We walked to the couch and sat down together. I sat criss cross as and turned around to face him, he then sat down and sighed

"I mean she denied it because I was right in her face" I nodded

"Did you see him?"

"I mean yea. I saw all the guy from the pictures but we never got to confirm if it's your brother or not. Brandy is still there though" I nodded my head. He looked over at me and smiled

"I actually missed you so much" he rolled over so we were really close and barried his head in my neck pulled my leg so it was around his waist and his hand rested on my butt as I blushed. I started to run my hand threw his hair

"I remember when we were talking on the phone you told me you weren't feeling well. How are you feeling today?" He muffled in my neck kissing it than laid. I blushed because of the kiss

"I'm better" I felt him smiling

"Why because I'm back?" I laughed and he chuckled sending a rush to my core

"No because I went to lunch with Maya today and I haven't seen her in a while" he nodded sighing in my neck

"I haven't really seen your family lately"

"Yea. There is a dinner party with everyone next weekend" I told him

"Can I come?"

"Sure" I whispered getting tired

"I'm tired" he got more comfy and wrapped his arms around my waist

"Me to"'I whispered closing my eyes


After work Spencer told me to meet him at this restaurant. I walked in seeing him in his phone. I smiled walking over to him, I guess he heard my heels clicking and he looked up smiling

"Hi baby" he said pulling me in for a kiss. It's kinda scary to me that I've grown so attached to him over the couple of months that we've known each other. Although technically we are married I call him my boyfriend and sometimes he calls me his girlfriend but we have the rings so people know we are married

"Hi, what's up?" I smiled sitting across from him

"Noting really, you look sexy" I blushed rolling my eyes in a playful way

"And you look handsome" he took one of my hands in his and ran his thumb across my knuckles and over my ring since he was holding my left hand

"Thank you my beautiful wife" he brought my hand up to his mouth kissing my ring as I smiled

"Hello, welcome to Giovanni's I'll be your waiter for the afternoon my name is Sandra what can I get you two to drink?" When she said Sandra it's like Spencer tensed up. He looked up and locked eyes with the waiter

"Sandra?" He looked more mad than shocked

"Oh my god Spencer" who is she?

"Didn't know you worked here" he clenched his jaw

"Yea, I just got a job here. I've missed you so much babe" Babe!? Now it was my turn to tense up and I know he felt it. He looked done flaring his nostrils

"Babe?" He asked. That's exactly what I'm thinking

"Yea, look I know we've had our differences but I'm ready to work on stuff like you said baby" does she not see me sitting here!?

At that I pulled my hand away from his and placed it in my lap. He looked up and I raised my brow at him

"When did I say that? Like last year?" He looked back at her

"I know but still. I can tell you still want me and I still want you so" this bitcj

"No! I've moved on and I know you know that Sandra!" That's when she finally looked at me with disgust in her eyes

"To who!? This your little girlfriend?" She looked me up and down. I smirked lifting my left hand in her face

"Wife" she looked shocked but quickly covered it up

"Oh so you married!? After all those times you was calling me asking for me back!" What!

"What the fuck are you talking about Sandra?! I don't even got your number and you well know that. I never called you once after you fucked me over!" He snapped. By now people were looking over at us

"Man whatever. You moving on to this ugly bitch I mean come on!"

"Excuse me bit-" she's lucky Spencer cut me off

"Stop talking to my wife like that! She is much better than your cheating ass anyways" I'm so irritated I'm not even hungry anymore

"Whatever man. It's only a matter of time before you come running back to me because I know I'll always and forever have your heart. You said it yourself!" She snapped

"Listen here bitch. Or waiter, whatever the fuck you are, one id really appreciate it if you'd leave me husband and I and do your fucking job which is serving us food. Second who the hell are you calling an ugly bit-"

"There isn't another ugly bitch in here than you so no shit I'm talking about you" I clenched my jaw placing my hands on the table to stand up

"Babe fuck her let's go" Spencer said standing up

"I'm sorry, is there a problem here?" This man came up to us wearing a suit asked us. He's the manager reading by his ID card

"Yes, the service by your employee was totally shit today Brian. Totally unprofessional disrespecting my husband and I. Is this what the service is like all the time!" I grabbed my bag as Spencer got his shit together

"No mam, I am so sorry for the inconvenience. She's new around here and I guess needs more training" everyone in the restaurant was looking now in shock and this bitch Sandra, looked hella embarrassed

"So unacceptable" an elderly lady said

"Please. Come back tomorrow my treat" I was just trynna leave to be honest

"Thank you so much sir. Let's go babe" he grabbed my hand as we walked out of the restaurant. As soon as we got out he sighed letting my hand go as he walked me to my car

"Look, I can ex-"

"I'm tired. You need to go back to work anyways so I'll just see you at home" he sighed again running his frustrated hands along his face

"Baby I'm sorry for this happening" he whispered walking closer to me and resting his forehead together

"Have a good day at work" I turned around getting in my car and leaving

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