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For the whole day I spent it just talking with Nicole. She's a really good mother, she told me som funny stories about Spencer when he was younger and all. His nickname was poppy because that was his first word. But unfortunately he hates that name

By time they came back it was around 9:30 and I had already ate with Nicole and got myself ready for bed. I walked out the bathroom wafted showering and there Spencer sat on the bed with roses in his hand

"Hey" he said standing up. I blushed and looked at him than the flowers

"For meee?" I asked reaching for the flowers. I love roses

"Yea, I felt bad because I was gone all day and you woke up alone so I stopped and got you some roses since you like them" he told me. I smiled and blushed than took them smelling them and smiling

"Thank you" I put them on the table and Spencer crabbed both my hands and pulled me towards him

"I missed you today" he whispered in my ear as he kissed my neck, that made me tense and the hairs all over my arms, down to my legs and neck stood up as he pulled away and looked me dead in my eyes

"Why? You were enjoying yourself with your family" I whispered back because we were super close. One sudden move and our lips would touch

"Because, I don't know. I just missed you" he told me. He closed the gap and kissed me. It was something short and he pulled "I'm gonna gonna go take a shower" I nodded and he walked over to the bathroom and shut the door

I smiled at the flowers and then went on the bed and grabbed my laptop. I started just checking emails from work when he came out. He only had a towel wrapped around the lower half of his body, it was pretty low because I could clearly spot his v line. I never actually took the time to notice how many tattoos he had. On his back he had a big cross with other little tattoos around it. He had an amazing body and I really liked it. His body turned me on

Anyways, his tattoos were everywhere, how did I never notice his sleeves covered in tattoos. Damn, this just made him more sexie-

"Didn't your mom tell you that staring is rude?" He snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at his face which had a smirk on it and he was staring at me. I instantly looked down and blushed with embarrassment

"No need to be embarrassed, I see you like my tattoos" he told me slipping on a shirt, by now he already had his boxers on which i think was under the towel

"They are okay" he laughed

"I already know you have one. I saw it when I was putting your shoes on" he told me as I looked at my ankle. I ran my fingers across it as I smiled at the memory of when I got it with Lindsay. I miss her

"Yea. I got it a long time ago" when I was 16 for my birthday present

"I may ask. Why do you have a tattoo of an elephant on your ankle?" We both chuckles than I stopped

"One of my good friends died when we were 16. She had an obsession with elephants so Lindsay and I got matching ones to remember her" I told him

"Oh, what was she like?" He asked

"Her name is Makalia, we were friends for about 10 years before she killed her self. She was like the younger sister I never had to me. I was always looking out for her me defending her even know everyone hated me to. She was under stress with school, and her family hated her too that's why she stayed most of the time at my house. My abuela found her dead in the guest bedroom. So on her birthday, as my early birthday present we got the tattoos" I told him. He looked at me with sorrow as I smiled sadly

"I also have this one" I lifted my hair up and turned around so he could see the back of my neck

"Andy?" He was confused. I sighed, am I really gonna tell him. I turned around and he looked confused, I looked down as I played with my fingers "who's Andy?"

"My brother"

"You have a brother?" I nodded

"My twin brother actually" i smiled remembering Andy

"Oh, how come you've never talked about it or anything?" He asked

"Because he died" he gasped and looked so sorry for me. I hate that look "don't look sorry for me Spencer!" I snapped

"I'm sorry, it's just wow, if you don't mind me asking what happened?" He asked

"We were seven when he died in a car accident"

"Were you there?" He asked

"Nah, I was at home waiting for him to come back but he never did, I mean, he was in a car accident but when we went to the hospital I wasn't allowed to see him. Even at the funeral I wasn't allowed to see him, I wasn't allowed to go to the funeral" I told him

"Wait, so your brother died, in a car accident. When you went to the hospital you never saw him and you weren't even allowed to go to his funeral. Sorry but that doesn't make sense and that's just straight up fucked" he told me. I never really looked at it like that

"I looked at it as I was seven, they didn't want me to do threw this pressure in my life and it was best to keep me away"

"I don't care how much stress it is for a seven year old. I'd make my child say goodbye to brother" he said defensive

"It's whatever"

"What if he's not dead?" He asked

"Spencer why would you say that!?" I snapped

"It just doesn't make sense to me that's all. You don't have physical proof that he's dead. Maybe he's not"

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