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"So what's been going on with you guys?" Lindsay asked me "last time we talked you said he kissed you"

"He's been kissing me every single day" I told him

"And" Melissa said wanting me to continue

"And that's that. We talk a lot more about personal stuff and I'm scared" I looked down

"Of what?" Lindsay asked putting her hair In a ponytail

"Of trusting someone like him again. I'm scared he's gonna fuck me over like Michel"

"First of all, don't compare Spencer to Michel. Michel rapped you, Spencer didn't! Spencer cares deeply about you, Michel didn't. Spencer wanted to actually be with you and protect you Michel didn't. All Michel wanted from you was sex and that's what he got and left! Spencer cares about you and I believe him when he told me he cared about you" she argued

"Wait, when did you talk to Spencer?" Melissa and I asked

"Before you felt, he really does like you man! Stop treating him like he's Michel! Show him some love and affection. We all know you like him so stop hiding and being afraid. Be risky, fall in love with him, have sex. Try new things with him and stop pushing him away!" She snapped. She's right

"She's right Serena. You've been single for a while. Also we all know you like him so don't even sit here and lie to us and say you don't" she's also right. I do like him

"I just don't want him to hurt me" even though I know he's not gonna hurt me

"Your lying" I sighed

"I don't know guys"

"Just let him in"


I made it home at about 9:30, I walked into the house and the smell of good food filled my noise. I remembered what thee girls told me

"Let him in"

I locked the door and took a deep breath letting it out. I put my bag down in the chair and walked to the kitchen where he was cooking shirtless, he was playing some music while he cooked

"Hey" I said, he turned around and smiled

"Hey, I didn't even hear you come in" he walked over I me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. I haven't kissed back not one time that he's kissed me, he pulled away this time fast so I couldn't even try and kiss back

"How was your day?" He asked as I walked over to the bar stool to sit and watch him cook. I took my heels off and put my hair in a ponytail

"It was good. I missed talking with the girls" I told him "what are you making?"

"I'm just making some lasagna" he told me as I modded "that's good that you spent some time with your friends" he told me

"I'll go set the table" I got everything set up and he came with plates. I got drinks as we sat down and ate


I woke up the next morning earlier before Serena. I got myself together and meet my way over to the office, today I'm going to help her is Kinda sort of figure out if her brother is dead or not. Yes I know she's going to be mad at me because she told me she didn't want to talk about it but, it doesn't feel right to me so I've been trying my hardest to find out if he's dead or not

"Good morning. Okay so, I didn't find anyone with the last name of Gotuzzo with the name Andy but I found Andy Harper who lives in Chicago, Andy Richards who lives in Atlanta, Andy Anderson that lives in Manhattan, Andy Campbell that lives in Florida and Andy Beckett who lives in Michigan. They all had cancer" my assistant Brandy told me as I sat down at my desk. I took a look at the files and all the names that he handed me

"2 stood out because they both had Cancer when they were 7" he continued

"Who?" I asked

"Andy Anderson and Andy Campbell" he told me

"We'll just have to go there and find out. Get pictures of the two will you" he nodded and got his phone out and texting away

"Thanks Brandy" he nodded and walked out the office. I did some more research and by time I was mid way I looked at the time and Serena should be at work by now

Have a great day at work beautiful, sorry you woke yo alone. I have a lot of work todo today, don't worry though I made plans for a get away weekend this weekend😉 see you later - Spencer

I got back to my work before my phone buzzed again telling me that she answered

Lol, what if I had plans this weekend? - Serena

I shook my head and smiled as I typed my answered

To bad, guess your cancelling your plans than😂 -Spencer

Btw, how do you say my love in Spanish? -Spencer

Mi amor -Serena

Alright than, Mi amor, I will see you later tonight. If you want go shopping for our get away weekend😉 -Spencer

Still haven't agreed to going on this 'get away' weekend but whatever, I was going shopping anyways perderdo😊-Serena

Wait! What does that mean? Handsome?-Spencer

No it means loser😂 now get back to work. Bye Loser😜 -Serena

Bye mi amor😙 -Spencer

I shook my head laughing as I put my phone away. Yes we just got back from traveling but I wanna take her on a relaxing trip this time. It's no where special just at one of my hotels that I own

I can see it myself that she's stressed about some thing and I just want her to he relaxed. I have everything planned out perfectly this weekend and we'll do everything she says and go everywhere she wants to go. Her all about her this weekend and I wanna make her feel good

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