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We stayed like this for a while. I didn't mind though I want complaining. I enjoyed this, I never had someone like Spencer in my life who actually cared about me

Maybe he is just trying to act like he cares to get in my pants. I sat up and looked at him dead in his eyes

"How do I know you aren't just saying that? Michel said that to and look where I am right now" he looked mad and his face softened as he saw my red face from crying

He wiped my face and rested his hand on my cheek

"I was raised way better then that to do something like yes to a woman who doesn't deserve anything but love that I can give to you Serena. Please believe me and trust that I would never, I would die before I ever did that to you baby" when he called me baby my heart ran, yes it ran. I nodded and laid back down on his chest and he rubbed my arm


We woke up super early, it was still dark by time I woke up. We got all our stuff together and than we left, Spencer has a personal driver and he came to pick us up. We drove to this place but we didn't arrive at the airport. When we got there, there was a nice sized plane

"Is this what we're flying on?" I started to get hella nervous, I enjoy going on vacation but I kinda forgot to mention that I'm terrified of flying in the sky

"Yea, you like?" He was smirking all proud. I bit my lip nervously. The driver grabbed our bags and we walked onto the Plane

 The driver grabbed our bags and we walked onto the Plane

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"Wow" I was till nervous but it was really nice in here. We got settled on out seats and he was sitting right in front of me. The captain said his stuff or whatever and we than started moving. I was breathing hard and gripping the seat handles

"Serena are you okay?" I heard him ask me. I looked up at him and he looked worried

"Yea I'm good, why?" I asked breathing heavy still

"You look pale as fuck. Are you sure, what's wrong? Is it what we talked about last night? I told you not to let that shit bother you anymore"

"No it's not, it's just, maybe I did forget to mention that one of my biggest fears is flying in the sky" I bit my lips nervously, he chuckles and walked over to me "what are you doing, sit down, we are moving you might die" I said with wife eyes

"Awe your worried about me, but it's all good, I won't die yet" I glared as he walked to me. He unbuckled my seat belt and I slapped his hand

"No Spencer stop. I'm scared please stop" I snapped. He chuckled and lifted me up holding me in his arms bridle style "Spencer please" he shook his head and sat down in my seat with me in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me in a protective style

"I will protect you no matter what. It's my job" I smiled to myself and rested my head on his chest. Soon enough I drifted off to sleep


I was awoken but Spencer's snores. I was still cozy in his arms and I noticed that it was brighter outside. He did a long snore and that made me laugh

"Waking up to you laughing is something great to hear" I heard his deep raspy morning voice. It was sexy I do have to admit

"You snore loud" he chuckled. I moved a little and felt something hard on my right hip where his crochet was. My face instantly went red in like 2 seconds

"I see your friends awake" he froze and I laughed getting off him. He was reder than a tomato 🍅

"I'll be right back" he got up and got up and I saw how big the bugle was in his pants. My eyes went wide and my mouth fell open. He saw me and smirked as I blushed yet again as he walked away. I took the time to just walk around and look places. This place was really nice I do admit

"Okay, I brought you some food" he walked back out with a tray of food. We sat down and started eating

"So what's your family like?" I asked as I ate

"Well you already met Ryan" i rolled my eyes as he chuckled "I have an older brother named Ryan but I already told you that we call him Tucker though because it's his last name, he's always stole my girlfriend and thinks it's the funniest thing in the world that's why we aren't the closest buts he's a smart businessman" I nodded my head as he continued

"Your gonna love my mom, her name is Nicole, she's the best mom I could ask for, she was a teen mom and she's 39. She's caring and I love her with all my heart. Than there is my dad Giovanni, he's a cheater he cheated on Ryan's mom with my mom and got her pregnant, he than just pushed her away and I hate him for that" awe. It's really cute how he talks about his mom

"Than there is Christina! She's Ryan's mom, she's my quote un quote step mom but I hate her, she's not even my step mom because my mom and dad weren't originally married so" he told me. I nodded

"I know for a fact that my ex girlfriend is gonna be there" my heart stopped "you don't need to worry about her, she's a bitch and I hate her also, she's the one that broke my heart" bitch

"I also have some friends that will be there Ethan, Chuck and my cousin Miles. Tucker's best friend John will be there also"

"Wow, so I'm really meeting the whole gang?" I asked sipping my juice

"I mean I met your whole Klan" I laughed

"That is true and there is still more to meet"

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