November 6

1.3K 69 42

Countdown to the elections: 2 days

Dear Diary

What a day, what a day. Have you ever had fifty people in your house all at once? It gets rather... interesting, to say the least. New York, New jersey, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania are all about my age, 18-19ish. The Virginias, Ohio, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, and Kentucky are about 17ish. Everyone up to Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico are all about 15-16. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah are all 14. Nevada, Arizona, and California are al 12-13. Alaska is about 10, and Hawaii is nine. That doesn't even include the territories! Ahhhhh so much persons!

Well, everyone that wasn't already here is here now, and we finished making all of the food and ate and stuff, then some of the younger states are out playing a huge game of capture the flag with Nerf guns. Hell, even some of the older states are out there. Really, the only states that aren't out there playing are Maine, Alaska, and Louisiana. Me and Alaska are playing chess so she can beat Russia one day, Maine is reading in some room, being quiet like usual, and Louisiana is in the kitchen doing god-knows-what. But hey, as long as she doesn't set the house on fire, more power to her. Her cooking is fantastic, too.

Aaaannndd there goes a window. Surprisingly, this is the first one. Unsurprisingly, it was California trying(and failing) to hit Florida. But I'm not sure how he broke the window with a Nerf gun...

Well, I'm going to go and fix that now. Bye!

-America the AWESOME!!


guys. I'm really sorry that I suck at updating on time. I really am. Ill try to get better, though. *emphasis on try

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