December 13

958 46 7

[yep skipped a few days. too lazy to fill them in]

Dear diary,

I think I'm starting to notice a trend here. So you know how everyone was trying to claim to be an outsider to politics during the campaigning season, but the only person who was actually an outsider was Trump? Well, it seems that he's only appointing other businessmen, too. Like, there's a bunch of congress-people who are freaking out bout it. The good thing about it is that because of the people who he's appointing, our relationship with Russia is getting a little stronger, which makes things easier on me. But, it  also adds to some unrest among my people, opens a door for Russian influence on the US, and puts any progress we've made concerning energy and pollution backwards by about negative a billion, which kinda sucks a little bit.

But other than politics, I went out on a date with Russia today. We went to a little coffee shop in a relatively small town in Minnesota. I prefer to takes guests, ESPECIALLY nations, to smaller towns or suburbs instead of actually in the in the city. I wasn't kidding when I said that big American cities are no place for a foreigner to be in the middle of the night[another fucking story reference].

Anyway so the little shop was super cute and it had a bunch of used books so the whole place smelled like coffee, chocolate, and old books. I haven't been in such a pleasant place in quite a long time, and I am feeling a lot better now that I have. I am a naturally happy person; I don't like being sad and depressed. But that's what this whole nation ordeal destined for me, so I just make the best of things.

God and I've had this stupid dorky grin stuck on my face all day because of how absolutely pleasant everything has been. I think I'm going to get Ivan something special for Christmas, even though his country doesn't really celebrate it. It feels right.

-A Loving America



I'm sorry that I'm so slow to update all the damn time. sky, I will be getting to your idea, along with m_rocks. I also have been planning a comicon/animecon ameripan one shot for my one shot book. yes I will be getting around to updating the other stories soon. I just don't have as much time, what with finals, learning both Spanish and german like an idiot, and trying to keep myself together mentally. But the thing is, I already took one set of finals last year because I skipped a grade in math, so I know its not hard, and I don't even plan to study. it is just a bit stressful.

but I know you all don't care so i'll cut this a/n off here. Until next time, then

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