Tiffany's mom POV

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I woke up with an extremely headache.

The sun was shining so bright outside my window and unfortunately I didn't have any curtains. Damn it.

I tried to close my eyes again but my head was paining so much.

I got up from the bed and everything was spinning around. All I saw was all the empty bottles and beers.

My husband wasn't home by now.

He was probably at the job or something.

I don't know why I'm drinking almost every night. I feel better when I do.

I came here to start over. To start a new life with Henry, my husband. I guess it didn't turn out so well. Whatever, actually, I don't really care. I do what I want to do. It's my life, my decisions.

I opened the bathroom door and took a look in the mirror. God, I looked terrible. But, I don't care about that either. A life without worries is a better life, right?

I felt how I smelled alcohol so I decided to take a shower. I unbuckled my belt and took off my pants.

A note fell out from my pocket.

I reached for it with my hand and unfolded it.

It read:

"Mom. Why are so acting so weird? Why are you packing bags and ignoring me? To be honest, you haven't cared about me so much, ever. Are you sad because dad left us? Mom, I'm still here. Please don't leave me, we can make this work somehow. I'm only 17. I basically raised myself since the beginning. I should be mad at you, but I wanna give you chance. If you wanna give us a chance, stay and don't do anything stupid. Don't leave me.

Your Tiff. "

I felt a tear roll down my face.

I read the note over and over again.

I haven't thought about Tiffany's feelings. I didn't know she felt that way. I really am a bad mother. I thought that her life would be better without me in it. She's 17, in one year she could move to an own apartment or do whatever she wants. I just haven't thought about that maybe she needs her mom's support. Of course she does.

The thing is, when I got pregnant 18 years ago, it happened unexpected. I didn't want a baby, I didn't know what to do with my life. Tiffany came as a surprise and I wasn't ready to become a mom. Maybe I haven't cared about her, ever.

God, I felt stupid. I wonder what she is doing right now. But I wasn't worried at all.

I know she is smart, she wouldn't do anything stupid.

I hope her life doesn't end up like mine.

Whatever. I chose to leave her, I'm here now, in Canada. With Henry.

I think Henry left me and Tiffany because he felt the same as I do.

Plus, he got a job here. He had to move here, and I think that he was kinda happy about it. Him and Tiffany never had a good connection.


I was trying to get the thoughts out off my head. Tiffany was stuck in my mind. Her brown hair and her beautiful face and her cute dimples.

My daughter.

When I got out from the bathroom I considered to call her. Just to see how she is. She wouldn't be mad, would she?

I dialed her number.

"Hi, you've reached Tiffany's phone. My phone is probably on silent mode but leave a message and I'll call you back. Have a great day peeps."


Maybe I could leave a message instead.

"H, hi. This is your mom.. I just, uhm, wonder how you are and how you feel. Sorry I didn't left any money. I hope you find anything to eat anyway."

What? Why did I say that.?!

I kept talking..

"Uh.. Maybe you can call me later, if you want to.

And Tiff, I found your note. I'm sorry."

I hung up.

My head started to burn again. It was like there was a fire inside of my head.

I better take some rest.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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