Not understanding the Potter fandom

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I've come to realise a lot of people don't understand the Harry Potter fandom. They say you're going to grow out of it, get bored of it. They say it's just a book, movie, something a person came up with when bored... no it's way more than that! It's our asylum to happiness, when we want to escape reality, want to find ourselves in another world. And as Queen Jo says herself "the stories we love best live in us forever"... or we live in them...
You see people call it an obsession, when actually it's just the way we've taken the story in. I'm sure I'm not the only one freaking over a boy with the surname potter, or cry at the sight of a black dog, or smile hearing the word "solemnly"... Harry Potter is a way of life, not just some book... once it's settled in our hearts it lives there and never leaves...
I came up with something to sum it up:

Once you solemnly swear you will always be a Potterhead, the story of the boy who lived will live in you until the very end...

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