Chapter 14 Lost

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This fanfic is about half way through!thank you for all the votes and reads it means alot!i love you all.Hope you guys enjoy recent updates.

Laurens POV

I woke up with a sore hand.I opened my eyes and realised camz slept all night in my hands.Her low little snores were so adorable.Her little nose that completed her face.Her closed eyes,i loved seeing her sleep she seemed so peaceful.But i loved seeing her wake even more.The way she slowly stretched and struggled to open her eyes.

"Good morning beautiful" I say as I pull her into my body and peck her cheek

she smiles and pecks my cheek again

"So what are we going to do today babe?"

"Lets go to Johns pizza"

"Yes pizza! but I want to be with you all the time because we have to leave tomorrow morning"

"What why so early?"

"My familys coming over and I gotta take the third wheel back"

"Ugh talking about him how was your ride over here" i said raising and eyebrow

"Nothing happened Lo i told you i dont like him"

"But he likes you"

"Well Anthony likes you,oh yeah did anthony g to that party?"she said starring into my eyes seriously

"Yeah bu--"

"Did Anything happen there?"she asked suspiciously not lettin me finish

",i mean why would they im with you"i said nervously as i began to feel my heart drop to my stomach

"Mhmm ok i believe you"she said as she kissed my nose

"Ok lets go get ready"

As we were about to walk out the door we hear a loud noise coming from upstairs

"You want to go check that out?"Camila asks

"No.lets go before we have to take other people"

We walk to Laurens car and drive to Johns pizza which is about 15 minutes away.There is unlimited food and games.

"Lets go eat first im starving"Camila says

We walk over to the buffett area which is filled with different types of pizzas.After about an hour of eating and feeling good enough to go play some games we leave the eating area.We buy tokens to get on rides and hopefully win prizes.

We first try a mini bowling game.Camila ofcourse fumbles and gets a gutter ball.

"Nice job Camz"i say with a grin

"Well i tried so you better do good because i want some prizes"

"Ofocurse you know ill get them" i say as i grab a bowling ball


"See i told you i could"

Next we go to a ballon popping game

"I bet you i can pop more balloons than you Camz"

"Whatever we'll see about that"

i go first and pop 5 out of 7 balloons.

"Not too bad"Camila says confidently

She pops the first 5 balloons somehow.

"How are you doing this?" i ask mesmorized

"What?I have to be good at something" She then pops the rest of the balloons

"I guess you lost a bet"she says winking at me

Camilas POV

My day has been so fun with Lauren she makes everything perfect.I seem to forget about the world when im with her.Time flies and i dont really care because i could let my life fly away as long as im with her.She is everything i need and want.I dont think i would be able to be without her.if she ever loved somebody else and left me i would be torn.

After many games we finally decide to trade our tickets in for a price but right before we are next in line i get the urge to use the restroom

"Lo.."i say squirming

"Yeah?whats wrong?"she says starring at my moving body

"I need to go to the rr"

"Well gooo Camz"

"BUt i want to pick the price"

"You can tell me which one you want and ill get it for you"

"Ok i want that huge teddy bear"

i quickly ran to the restroom but there was a line.I waited for about five minutes.I quickly rushed into the toilet and did my business.As i walked out i saw Lauren still at the prize register.As i got closer i began to recognize the voice she was talking to.

"You dont have enough tickets but i owe you for the night at Julies so here take it"what the hell is this guy talking about?What does she owe him and what happened at Julies house?

I began to walk closer but as i was about to reach Lauren a little girl walked up to me.

"Hi, Omg its you Camila"

"Yeah it is little cutie do you want a picture?"i asked smiling at a cute little brown haired girl

"Yes please let me tell my mom to take it"As the little girl told her mom I looked at the prize register but didnt see Lauren

"Ok smile"

I hugged the little girl and waved goodbye once again i looked for Lauren but couldnt find her so i decided to go ask the employee where she had gone

"hey you"i said as i tapped on the guys shoulder

"Oh hey how can i help you"

"Do you know where-Anthony?"

"Oh hey Camila"

"You work here?"

"Yeah i just seen Lauren"

"Uhm where did she go?"i said annoyed realizing Anthony gave her a prize because of what she gave him the night at Julies house

I could feel the rage overcoming my body

"Camila..she went that way"he said pointing towards the exit

"Ok thanks"i said walking fastly towards her

"Oh hey Camz i was-"

"Can we go"i said bluntly

"Yeah whats wrong?"

"Nothing i just want to leave"

The drive back to Laurens house was silent but she didnt bother to ask questions and good thing she didnt because i wouldve exploded on her.The car ride kind of cooled me down and i just didnt feel like arguing with Lauren so i decided to wait and let her confess.

Once we got to her house i was confronted by an irritated Jake

"Where have you been you left me all alone"

"No i didnt Chris is here and you said you wanted to get to know them"

"Yeah but along with you"

"If you want to leave we can" i said a bit irritated

"Well we're leaving tomorrow so there's no use in living today"

"Ok then shut it"

I walked up to Laurens room and sat on her bed as she went to the restroom

"Hey Camzi"she said as she sat next to me but I didn't reply.

"Lauren is there something you have to tell me?" I asked seriously

"Yeah there is"


"yeah there is" I replied thinking of a rapid reponse in my head

"So tell me"

"I love you Camila you know that right"


A million thoughts ran through my head.I really couldn't talk.There was a knot stuck in my throat the size of a golf ball.I wante to make something up but i just couldnt hold this secret in.

" it about Anth"


"Hey camila amma go out with Chris you want anything" for once Jake arrived at the correct time

"No im ok be careful" Camila replied

"What about you Lauren?"

"Yeah ill go tell Chris what I want" I got up and walked downstairs.Leaving an irritated Camila.I just couldnt tell her what i did.I practically cheated on her.Why?Im so stupid ugh

Camilas PoV

Why would she leave me.Shes not like this she is always straight foward but lately shes been putting me off.I love her but if she did something with Anth i dont know if i could forgive her.I loved Lauren more than life but i wouldnt let myself be used like that.I waited for her in bed but she didnt come back.I fell asleep on her bed.I woke up it was 4AM and Lauren was asleep next to me.Where had he gone?why did she even leave me.All these thoughts just made me angrier.I set y alarm to 6AM knowing we had to leave early.I didnt bother to wake Lauren up.I tried to go back to sleep but i couldnt.I stared at her peaceful fce.How could such a beautiful creature like her like me?I mean she is pure perfection.Perfection that was minewell at least for now.I knew she was hiding something.Something that could break me.It could break us.Her beauty was just the topping to Lauren.Her personality the way she made you feel like the only person in the world when she spoke to you.Her hugs that melted me and made me feel like we could take on the whole world together.But all of that could be lost.Lost.

My alarm rang and i quickly tirned ot of trying not to wake Lauren.She knew i was leaving today but i guess she didnt think i was leaving this early.As i got up i hear noise in the hall.I heard Jakes voice as he tripped over something.I walked towards the door and he knodded asuring me he was ready to go.I prepared my bags as lowly as i could i had expected more of these couple of days.I stared at Lauren from a far.I gently walked to her bed.I sat beside her and remove the stranda of hair on her face.I carresed her cheeck and pecked her lip.I gave her one last hug.As i was about to leave her bed she cought my hand."Dont leave" she said with her husky still half asleep voice.

"I have to"i replied

"Please"she said openig her eyes and pouting

"Im sorry"i said as i left her grip.I guess she didnt have the force to get up.I quickly left her room and walked to Jakes car.

"Ill see you soon Lauren i hope you have a good time at home as i know you are having getting back to your friends and such" said the text i sent her


It had been a week since i lat saw Lauren.A week since i had a proper conversation with her.Whenever we texted it was simple closed of conversations.In two days i would confront Lauren.In two days i would have to make a decision.She will either keep our relationship or break it ofd.This week has been the worst ive tried to get Lauren out of my head and the things Anth said to her.His words have been torturing me since i left her home.I couldnt confeont her through text i wanted the truth.The distance between us was killig me inside i felt lonely like how i felt before when Lauren was with Keaton.My guts churne at the thought of Lauren not being mine again.But i know it would hurt more if i had to see her kiss another guy.

The next day i prepared my bag to go bak to L.A.We first had to do rehearsals for the tour so i would be with Lauren but not alone.The girls knowing about us made it a bit easier on me but difficult at the same time. I hugged my mom and Sophie prepared to board the plane I knew these few days would be difficult. As I arrived to L.A I was received by a taxi van back to the group house. I was so nervous to see Lauren I hoped so bad that she hadn't arrived yet. I slowly walked into the house I heard chattering in the living room. As I walked closer I realized it was Dinah and Ally they both jumped and ran to hug me.

"Mila!" they both screamed.

I dropped my bags and hugged them

"I missed you guys"

"we did too"

"Is lauren here yet?" I asked lowly

"No,girl shouldn't you know shes your girlfriend" Dinah said staring at me confused

"Yeah I should but I don't"i responded

"Hey Mila after you leave your bags come and watch a movie with us

"Ok" I said as I walked upstairs to the room I shared with Lauren.Shit.The room I shared with Lauren.This isn't going to be easy to get over with.I was seriously preparing my self for the worst emotionally and physically.I left my bags and walked down to the living room as Normani entered the house I gguess Lauren would be the last to arrive.

As we waited we watched "The Kings Of Summer" were three teens run away to become independent.As the movie is about to end Lauren walks in.I feel my stomach drop the other girls rush to hug her but i say still acting as if im really interested in the movie.After the girls are done hugging her she stands in front of me staring at me from above.

"Hi Camz"

"Oh Hi"

"Are you not going to hug me?"she says as the other girls stare at us awkwardly

I stand up and give her a fast light hug.I sit back and continue to watch the movie as Lauren walks up the stairs."Hey Camz can you come help me with my bags" she says struggling to take her thibgs up the stairs

"Uhm ok"

As i help her she whispers to me "i missed you"


"You didnt miss me?"she asks pouting

"Yeah i did but we need to talk"
Her face and expressions tense up

As we walk into the room i close the door and lock the door.
Before i can even talk she rushes to hug me tightly but i dont hug back.

"Camz whats wrong?"

"Us Lauren"Thats how she knows im mad when i call her by Lauren not Lo

"What do you mean?"she asks siting down on the bed

"Look Lauren i heard what Anth told you at Johns Pizza"

"What do you mean?what did you hear"

"You know Lauren i gave you a chance to tell me.Yet you still denied it."she doesnt respond she just looks down

"Lauren what did you give Anth that you owed him at Julies party"

Her face begins to get red


"You what Lauren"i say making my hands into fists

"Ok well they were playing tuth and dare and Julie dared him to kiss me andni dint want to so i just let him kiss my cheeck and yeah we-that was it"


"Yeah..."she says raising her eyes to me that are now filled with tears

"Lo,i thought you had done something worse" i say hugging on to her

"No i didnt"

Laurens PoV

Thank god she didnt get mad at me i thought she would freak.The thing is that while we were distant during our vacation i did get closer to Anth and hate this feeling because i know i will hurt both of them.My feelings are stronger for Camz but theres tht bit of guilt that im building with Anth.He actually is alot like Camz but you know they are so different.Im getting mixed feelings and this just sucks.

Rehearsals were tough Camz and I didnt really get alone time which was bad and good in its own ways.The guilt didnt overwhelm me because i was with the other girls and could keep my mindnof things.Yet i had to see Camila which killed me inside.She smiled at me and i bearly could do the same.Anthony and i hadnt texted muxh do to the time crunch we're always in.

Sunday.Finally the weekend.I would take all this day to sleep.


Sunday finally i could spend time with Lauren we've been so distant since we came back.Its like shes not reallytrying anymore.Like her heart is somewhere else.I have this feeling in my stomach that feels like an empty hole.My heart feels that its breaking.

"hey Lo" i say laying next to her in bed

"He..y" she grunts 

"Oh sorry were you sleeping?" 

"Yeah kinda...but its ok let me just go to the restroom and wash up"

As she enters the restroom her phone vibrates and a message from Julie pops out

"Hey Laur heres thr video of you and Anth hope you like it"

What the hell.The temptation was too much i just had to see the video.Like Lauren had told me they kissed cheeks,as i was about to put the phone down the video kept going and Lauren went in to kiss Anthony on the lips...I dropped the phone.Messages kept coming in they were from Anthony.I felt my heart shatter.I stared at the ground trying to get out of my head what had happened.

"You ok Camz"Lauren asked coming out of the restroom but i didnt have the words to reply


"hey Camila you there?" she said waving her hand in front of my face

"You have a message"

===============================================================================Thank you so much for reading my update will be sometime next week vote and comment if you want it sooner again sorry for typos and grammatical errors i did some of it on my ipod and some on my laptop so yeah again Thank you so much<3"

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