Chapter 4|Discovery

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"Great!!" Sting said, sarcastically. "Just great!! It's almost the second week and someone almost died!!" Sting walked around in circles with his hands in his hair.

"Hey Sting..." His friend, Rogue, said, getting Sting's attention. "WHAt?! WHat?! I'm panicking over here!" Sting said, loudly. Rogue rolled his eyes and continued, "I think your friend is waking up." Rogue pointed to the twitching girl on the bed.

"Wendy!! Why is she twitching?!" Sting asked, looking at (Y/N). Wendy sat up from her spot and looked at (Y/N). "I believe she's having a bad dream..." Wendy said, using her magic. She then widened her eyes as she saw (Y/N)'s heart rate rise. "Sting! Wake her up!" Wendy commanded Sting.

Sting nodded and shook (Y/N), hard. Finally, (Y/N) fluttered her (Eye Color) colored eyes opened and gasped for air. She looked all over the room in a panic. "Where is he?!" (Y/N) cried. "Where'd he go?!"

Sting furrowed his eyebrow and looked at (Y/N) with confusion. "Who?" (Y/N) then stared at the wall then looked around the room. "Sorry. I had a nightmare..." (Y/N) then tried to sat up, but was brought down by the strong pain that she had. She winced in pain and tried to use her magic energy to heal herself, but failed.

"(Y/N)-San, you are completely drained of magic energy and in a weakened state. I fully suggest that you rest right now." Wendy said to (Y/N), giving her a spoonful of medicine. "Are you sure?" (Y/N) asked, suddenly feeling drowsy. Wendy smiled at (Y/N) and nodded at her.

'Damn you Jackal! I'm gonna get you for this!!' (Y/N) thought angrily. She then turned the other way to rest and slept.

"I worry for her." Wendy said with her eyebrows furrowed. "Why is that?" Rogue looked at her for her answer. "Well, when I was healing her, her distress level was high, meaning something is troubling her. I'm not sure what is troubling her though." Wendy explained to both Sting and Rogue.

"Sting, didn't you say you scared the guy away? What did it look like?" Rogue asked, turning his chair over to Sting. "Well, he had animal-like features." Sting said, trying to remember how he looked like by walking in circles. "What do you mean by that?" Wendy turned her head.

Sting stopped walking at looked at Wendy. "He had ears, tails, furry legs, and black spots everywhere. It's like he was a big walking cat, but... More in like a demon way."

"A demon?" Rogue asked and completely went into thought. "Why would a demon try to kill (Y/N)?" Rogue asked, his hands on his chin. "I don't know... Demons are evil?" Sting said. Wendy then gasped. "Mira is not evil!" Wendy huffed and crossed her arms. "I know she isn't. She's a nice demon, but we're talking about the that almost killed (Y/N)." Sting replied to Wendy.

Wendy was about to reply to Sting, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. Wendy went over and opened the door. Her frown was washed away into a smile and greeted the person. "Erza-San!"


Fuming with anger, Jackal opened the guild doors and walked inside passing Guild members. "What's wrong with him?" Guild members questioned. "I dunno."

He then went inside Mard's office and slammed the door closed. Mard looked up to Jackal from his book and closed it. He crossed his legs and narrowed his eyes at Jackal.

"Why are you here? You're supposed to trigger her." Mard said to Jackal. Jackal growled and slammed his fists onto the desk. "Why are you making me do this?"

"I can't keep doing that to her! You're ruining her mission and I!!" Jackal yelled, angrily, slamming his gloved fists to the ground. He got the desk and threw it over out of anger. He then started to destroy the desk.

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