Chapter 9.5|Harmony

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"You called me sir?" You said, closing the door behind you. You had entered the King's quarters due to Weisslogia. "Yes. I was wondering if you could come to the garden after dinner." Weisslogia asked, turning to you.

"Yes, your highness." You bowed, receiving a chuckle from him. "Just call me, Weisslogia."


After exiting his quarters, you were approached by Sting who seemed very interested in you. "Hey (Y/N)!" Sting called out, walking next to you.

"What did my dad said to you?" He asked. "Well, he said to meet him to the garden later after dinner." You replied, looking out of the dinner.

"Oh." His voice tone suddenly fell sadden. "I see." You turned to him and saw him looking down with a sad expression. "Is something mad, master?" You asked, knowing that saying master was his trigger weaknesss. "It's just that every year this night. There'll be a meteor shower that my father would always watch with my mom..." Sting replied. "Oh." You said bluntly. "I'm sorry."

"Nah it's alright." Sting replied, turning his frown into a smile. "I'm fine now! See!" Sting said before smiling greatly at you. You sighed, knowing that he wasn't okay. "Your feelings concern me Sting. If you'd like, we can talk about it."

Sting stood hesitant to reply and looked at you. "Yeah, ok. But later, please." You nodded and asked, "You think your father would like you tagging along with him?"

"I don't think so since he just asked you personally." Sting replied. "Oh okay." As Sting was about to walk away, You stopped him with a question.

"Sting, how are you holding up?" You asked while watching his expression. It was blue, but then in an instant, turned yellow.

"Well, before you came here, I was terrrible and depressed, but after you came, I'm starting to feel better! All thanks to you!" Sting said, flashing a smile to you.

And to your surprise, you smiled back, feeling the warmth inside. "I'm glad you feel that way, Sting."


Finally, after a long day of cleaning and assisting, it was after dinner and the sun was starting to go down as for the time zone was ahead an hour.

The clear blue sky was now turning a pink mixed with red. The setting sun was giving away all the sunlight it had before moonlight had strike.

The wind was picking up a little and the temperature was getting a little colder as you headed outside, towards the garden. You had took a change of clothing due to the past events that had happen. You now wore a black turtle neck long sleeve, black tights, and black gloves under your maid outfit.

You had entered the garden where you saw Weisslogia there sitting with his eyes closed. You were confused on what he was doing and was about to ask about his actions when he opened his eyes. "Ah, you're here (Y/N)." Weisslogia said, flashing a smile.

You nodded and stood by him awkwardly. "Go on now. Take a seat." You listened to him and sat down crisscrossing. "Now, you're probably wondering about why you're here... It's just that from evaluating your action skills in training, I found that you seemed distressed. No?" As he said that, you eyes widened a little and was surprised on how he catch that. You had bubbled your emotions up so no one could frown concern for you and now, Weisslogia is worried for you.

That's the least you want.

You shook your head and said, "Don't worry about me. I'm fine." Weisslogia furrowed his eyebrows and sighed. "I hope you know that I'm letting you go that easily," He paused then looking up at the stars. "With your permission, May I use my magic on you?"

The Assassin [Prince! Sting Eucliffe X Assassin! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now