Chapter 10|Not What She Seems

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"D-Dad?" The spiky, blonde hair male whispered as he made his way into his fathers room.

The room was occupied with Nurses, Doctors, and maids. The curtains and windows were open, meaning that the fresh morning air could be felt.

"S-Son..." Weisslogia coughed on his word as he heard Sting's voice. He tried to sit up, but the doctors gently pushed him back. "Don't overwhelm yourself, dad." Sting said in a worried tone and kneeled beside his bed, holding his father's hand. "S-Son..."

The (Hair Colored) haired female gasped at the sight of the extremely paled king. Weisslogia then started to whisper to Sting. "I-I'm losing it Sting. I'm not going to live forever... s-so... I want the ceremony to happen already."

"What ceremony?"

Weisslogia coughed and looked at Sting with tired eyes. "The wedding." Sting's eyes widened and nodded.

"I wish to speak more about this to you. Please tell everyone to leave. This is private."

Everyone went out of the room except for the two. As (Y/N) stood there, turned to one of the doctors and asked, "What are his symptoms?"

The doctor seemed hesitant to reply, but gestured her to speak outside of the room. "He is heavily sick with a virus that cannot be cure. Never in my years of being a doctor, seen his conditions. We tried to heal him with magic, but we cannot do so. The virus is fighting back at the magic and it doesn't look too good... It's unnatural." The doctor explained to (Y/N). "I see... perhaps... I can try to heal him?"

The doctor lightened up a bit and nodded. "Although, I warn you. Be very careful as you heal him. He is delicate at the moment."

Sting opened the door for them to go back in. (Y/N) nodded and followed the doctor back into the room. (Y/N) saw a blue heart gleaming from Sting and noticed his sadden state. 'The blue heart... he's in distress.' She then turned to Weisslogia and expected to see a blue heart as well. Instead, a green heart was gleaning. 'Green heart?'

(Y/N) was confused on what the color meant. Her mother taught her the colors of the hearts through healing magic. Yellow meant love, Blue meant distress and heartbroken, Red meant anger, purple meant sadness, and black meant powerful. She never taught (Y/N) green and other colors.

(Y/N) walked over to Weisslogia's bed side and looked down upon him. Weisslogia's weak eyes gazed at (Y/N) and said weakly, "Y-You've changed..." Sting turned to (Y/N) and his father was right.

Instead of wearing a short sleeved dress, she wore a long sleeve maid dress with a turtleneck. "Ah... yes. I changed my dress." (Y/N) replied with a bit nervousness in her tone. Weisslogia gave her a weak smile and said, "It's beautiful."

(Y/N) smiled and kneeled beside Sting. "Weisslogia, may I have your permission to try to heal your condition with my healing magic." Weisslogia nodded at (Y/N)'s words.

(Y/N) opened her palms and hovered them over Weisslogia's body. She closed her eyes and concentrated on healing him. As she concentrated, blue lights glowed under her hands and sparkles fell onto his body.

Everyone in the room was amazed at her ability of healing and watched her in interest. The blue glow faded away from her hands after a while and (Y/N)'s eyes shot open. Everyone watched her in hope of beating the virus. "Damn..." (Y/N) cursed. "I managed to cure a bit of it, but it was a tough fight..."

The doctors nodded and wrote it down, reporting it. "Thanks (Y/N) for helping." Sting said, throwing his arms around (Y/N), making (Y/N) nod and turned her face away from him. (Y/N) walked back from the big, releasing his arms around her.

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