Chapter 6|Preparations and Flashbacks

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"(Y/N). This is Adam. A new gardener." Weisslogia looked at you straight into the eye. "Hello miss (Y/N)! It's nice to meet you." Adam bowed and smiled at you.

Adam was a tall, muscular figure, thanks to his see-through shirt, had long spiky white hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, and had sharp blue eyes along with glasses. He wore a dress material as if he weren't a gardener but was dressed for a party.

"It's nice to meet you..." You paused for a moment. "Too..." Somehow his 'Adam' seemed familiar to you.

"It's nice to be working with you, (Y/N)." Adam gave you a toothy smile. Weisslogia chuckled and clapped his hands together.

"It's nice to see you two get along. Anyways, I have to go now and return into my duties of a king." Weisslogia waved goodbye and was escorted back into the castle with guards walking side by side with him.

"Well since I'm new here, what job do you take in the castle. I heard it was important." Adam narrowed his eyes at you, pushing in his glasses.

"What's so important being a maid? I just clean all day." You lied. Sure you were a maid, but you were a personal maid, more like an assistant. Your job was more important than just a regular maid.

"I see..." Adam's narrowed eyes turned wide as he shows you a big smile. "Well thanks for everything, (Y/N). See you later!~" Adam turned and walked the other way.

Just like Adam, you narrowed your eyes at him as he was walking and turned the other way to go back to your duty. Surely, you were to keep an eye on him. His behavior seemed strange.

You sighed and walked down the stairs, going down to the ball room.


"Hey (Y/N)." A maid walked up to you as you were entering the ball room. She then handed you a broom. "Oh hey Felicia!" Felicia was a maid who worked at the castle. She had gold eyes, short, auburn hair and had her hair up in a ponytail and had a strange curl stick out of the ponytail. She was energetic and could be clumsy at times.

"I can't wait for the ball! It's going to be fun!!" Felicia beamed with a smile. She then began to sweep as fast as she can when she heard Alice. Alice was known for scolding the maids badly for their work. After all, she was the one who controlled the maids to do the cleaning.

"Oi! Are you guys getting off task?" Her green eyes scanned the large ballroom and saw everyone cleaning. "Excellent. Good job, ladies! After this, you'll all get a break." Alice's change of attitude made everyone surprised. The silence was soon changed into loud cheers.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! I could finally eat the pasta I made in the morning!!" Felicia cried, walking to (Y/N) with a broom in her hand. Alice looked at the maids and sighed. She turned back to hear someone walking down the hall towards them. She saw Prince Sting walking towards the ballroom, making Alice panic and bow down to the prince.

Her two blonde ponytails moved in sync as she bowed down. "Good morning, Prince Sting. Everything is going as plan. The ballroom is almost clean." Alice said, still bowing to the prince. "That's good to hear, Alice." Sting said, walking into the ballroom.

Some maids squealed as they saw their beloved prince walk into the room. "Everything is going out well, everyone. Thank you for everything. I'll be back after my meeting and check up! Have a good morning, ladies." Sting said then turning back to walk out into the hall.

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