Your first word

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Hey guys! Hope you all enjoy or what not, I don't think I'm the best writer but I did think this would be fun! 


Shikamaru & Temari 

Your first word: "Shadow again"

It was only you and your dad at home, your mom Temari had to go and meet Gaara and your brother was over at Boruto's home. Your dad Shikamaru was lying about on the floor as you played next to him with your two stuffed deer babbling in baby talk. One would start to run then the other would put its hand together. You then made them start walking towards each other, and mimicking the other moves. A strange mimicry of your dads shadow possession technique that you found funny when he was teaching Shikadia. Unaware of Shikamaru watching you form the corner of his lidded eyes.

You soon got bored however and gave a tired yawn before poking your dad in the ribs wanting to go to sleep. And you had discovered the most comfortable place to sleep was snuggled up on your dads chest. However his eyes were closed and he didn't respond. When he continued to ignore you, you decided to go somewhere else for your nap.

You didn't get far however when you found yourself stuck in place. "So troublesome (Y/N), where are you going?" Your dad asked with a lazy yawn, no longer lying on the ground. You rambled on in baby talk at him for a moment, before sniffling since you couldn't move. That however caused you to move as your dad bent down so he was on his hands and knees, your body followed suite. When your dad started to crawl on the ground towards him you moved towards him. You giggled when your eye saw the shadow, and looked at your dad with a big toothy grin.

Shikamaru chuckled some as he got close enough releasing the jutsu and picking you up as he sat cross legged. "Troublesome."

You didn't pay your dad any attention for a moment, instead staring at the ground, you then looked up at him impatiently and pointed at the ground. "Adow gin!" You shouted pointed your finger towards the ground.

Shikamaru stared at you in shock for a moment, before he smiled shaking his head. "Shadow again later (Y/N)." He suggested giving a lazy grin, as he carried you towards the bedroom. "Nap for now, I know you're tired." He added.

"Adow." You insisted. Shikamaru just stared at you, "Adow." You said again, rather proud of your word since your dad knew what you meant, "Adow!"

    "Whata drag, you're first wo- uh two words and you use them to be as troublesome asyour mother." 

Naruto & Hinata

Your first word: Grandpa

"Say dada." Naruto prompted you, you were both sitting on the floor, he cross legged in front of you with your older sister in his lap.

"No say Hima." Your sister said, as Naruto pulled a face. Your mom sat on the couch with your older brother whom was watching the scene with his arms crossed. Looking past your dad and sister you gave a toothy grin at your brother, he just stared at you.

"No (Y/N) look at me! Look at dada, say dada" He encouraged gaining your attention for only a moment. You however seemed to be rather stubborn and continued to stare at your brother for a moment before looking at your dad.

A knock on the door drew your dads attention, standing up he went to answer it, not long later he walked back in with Hiashi following him. You looked over at your maternal grandpa and gave a giggle, crawling towards him. "Gampa!"

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