Sai & Ino Catchup

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Your First Word

First word: No

"(Y/N), give daddy his brush please." Sai asked while holding his hand out to you. You merely held the brush tighter, while staring at your dad. "(Y/N)," His voice was stern, and emotionless, causing you to frown at him.

"Sai you can't be emotionless with her she's a baby." Ino chided with a sigh as she looked at her husband, Your older brother held in her arms.

"Daddy needs his brush." Sai tried again after looking at Ino, he smiled at you closing his eyes as he did while holding his hand out patiently.

"No." You spoke simply, you face completely blank as you stared at your father.

"Huh?" Sai replied more in surprise, his eyes shooting opened, and your mother had a shocked look as well.

"No." You stated again, holding the brush close to your body. Sai however just stared at you with wide eyes before smiling once more at you in a happy sort of way before he reached over to pick you up.

"Good job, but I don't think children are supposed to say no to their parents." He chided in a happy manner as he smiled. Ignoring Ino whom was now laughing softly as she went to sit next to you and your dad, your brother still in her arms, pressing a firm kiss to your cheek in congratulations, even if your word had been 'No.'


Sai: Princess or Panda - Sai usually hears people call their daughters princess and what not, so he decided that must be a usual nickname for little girls, however Ino informed him that it didn't have to a common nickname. Sai then decided that he would call you panda later on when you got into his ink and black all around your eyes (Thankfully you had closed your eyes before pressing the paint there.)

Ino: Chipmunk – Your mom called you chipmunk because when you were younger you would either puff your cheeks out, or you would tried to hide that you had been eating snacks by stuffing them in your cheeks like a little chipmunk.

Godparent(S): Yamato

His first reaction/thought when meeting you:

Your father despite being married and already having one child still wasn't the best with normal emotions and reactions. But when he looked at you for the first time he did find himself smiling like an idiot while babbling off about something. To him you were more perfect then he could ever imagine.

Standing next to the bed now with your brother in his arms he watched you, a happy smile on his face as he thought about how lucky he was to have a family with not only one beautiful child, but two. Setting your brother down on the bed he requested to hold you, Ino allowed him, and as he picked you up for the first time he tickled your stomach lightly while grinning.

"Such a pretty girl, too bad you didn't get your mothers beautiful hair though." He sighed while still giving a faint smile. "But you still have your own beauty of course." He added quickly when Ino narrowed her eyes, he face clearly saying that your hair was beautiful even if it wasn't the exact color of her own.

Favorite Food: Chocolate Curry Buns

Charka Nature: Water Release

Your Favorite Person: Sakura – You thought Sakura was beautiful, and you managed to talk her into teaching you Medic Ninjutsu.

2 Jutsu Technique's Most Talented In: Medic Ninjutsu & Hiden (Secret Techniques)

How Your Dad Does Your Hair: Sai does really nice hair styles and usually assist both you and your mom. He usually does a pretty updo's or half ups

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